Chapter 16

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To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten

"Eka Boron?"


"Eka Aluminium?"


"Eka Silicon?"


"Good you've improved. I think we are finally done with our assignment." Jordan says with a proud look on his face. "Yes! I'm pretty sure we are going to get a straight A in this one." I say giving him a high five. " And which also means I don't need to see your overconfident ass anymore!" I raise my hand in victory, and do my happy dance.

"I knew you were checking my ass out." He winked at me. "I think I just puked in my mouth." I say with a disgusted look.

"but thaankhh ou." I mumbled.

"I didn't quite get that." Jordan said with a smirk on his face, so I know he heard me he is just trying to mock me. I rolled my eyes and then smiled at him "Thank you." I say and then laugh.

"Is that a smile from 'the Violet'?" He asks acting like he was having a cardiac attack and puts both his hand over his heart.

"Har Har hilarious." I glared at him. He just laughed in response and began texting someone on his phone, his fingers flew across the keypad as he typed at the speed of lightning, Okay yes I'm over exaggerating but he was really really fast.

"Okay. Since it's our last day doing chemistry let's see who comes up with a better chemistry pun." I say as I clap my hands and get his attention. "Fine, you go ahead" He says with an amused expression.

"Okay....I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction." I say giggling to myself. I looked at him and he had a look of disbelief. "That was the worst pun ever." He say looking unimpressed. "I'd like to see you top that." I say huffing and crossing my hands over my chest.

"Why was the mole of oxygen molecules excited when he walked out of the singles bar?" Jordan asked me and looked at me like he was expecting me to say something. "Why was he excited?" I asked with a sigh.

"He got Avogadro's number! " And he laughed at his own joke. I didn't want to admit it but it was kind of funny, so I held my self from laughing at his awful joke.

"Ah! I see, Making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones 'Argon'" I say giving myself a high five for the pun.

"Fine, that's a good one." He laughs. I get off my chair and take the books from the table and put them in their respective shelves.

We have been in the library since the morning (in case you are wondering its almost five p.m. now). I decided to finish the project by today so that I could have a relaxed weekend. Well, that decision caused me to hear lots of 'I know that's just an excuse to spend more time with me' and 'missed me so soon?'

There was an awkward silence. "So..... I think I'll go now." I say standing up and grabbing my books off the table. "Yeah that's a good idea." He says nodding.

Spending time with him I realized even though he's a bad person, scratch that, horrible person who kills people and do other illegal stuff, He is a bit of a softie. Almost like this bad boy side of him was an act.

We walked in silence out of the library and to his bike. I have an irrational fear of bikes, so why didn't I react when I was on Cameron's bike? that's because I was feeling extremely weak that day, okay and also because I didn't want him to know I'm a scaredy-cat.

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