My life's past

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Well my boyfriends'past.i know I am 15 and I am too young to make contact with the other side. Well you see It all started when my boyfriend, Jeremy died. His life was taken in the form of a car accident. Some looser drunk driving swerved in front of us and Jeremy lost control of the car. I blacked out so the next thing I know I wake up in a hospital.

    I remember the first thing that came to mind.Where. Is. Jeremy. Then the events of the car accident were refreshed in my memory it was so painful. Next thing I know I'm screaming "Where is Jermy! Where is Jeremy! No! No! Tell me were he is !" the doctors and nurses came bursting in thinking I was mentally disturbed.

        A man walked in and he looked at me nodded and said "Miley, Jeremy is dead. The car accident was too much for his body. His heart couldn't keep the blood flow to become normal and glass was in his right lung. There was no way he could be saved."

    I was so sure he was kidding. How dare he kid about this kind of thing. "You're kidding right. He can't be dead he had a life, we had a life. It was suppose to be me and him infinity. How could you kid about this." he shook his head. The nurses had started acting busy. I couldn't believe it, he was gone. He left and he didn't even say I love you, or bye no way to inform me, so that we could have one last time before he left. Why was I alive then? I shouldn't have been alive. I didn't want to be alive. Among the living, living without the one I love most.

So that was the day it happened. But I found out I could see him. It was after the hospital waiting for me in my bedroom. There he was sitting on my bed with the remote watching tv, just like he always did.

       I hadn't noticed he was dead yet. I got on the bed with him and took the remote from him, he was Watching our favorite show Teen craze. I was the first to speak "hay babe, I thought the doctor said you were dead."

I could have had a heart attack when he said " Miles baby I am dead. I'm what's called an interactive ghost, you just have the gift to see me because of how close we are and, because you were in the car accident with me. You have to help me right this wrong. I left you hear and for that I am sorry. This is how I can make it up to you. You and me infinity, remember?".

   " I remember Jeremy . Okay so how are we going to do this without anyone thinking I am crazy." He said the most brilliant words." I will buy you a Bluetooth, whenever you and I talk people will think you're on the phone. And you can't look at me either. Ok?" I was just about speechless "ok." I mean that was all I had to say. Then he went towards mthe bathroom and said" can I use your bathroom? I'm pretty sure I can still pee or something." I laughed at him" sure, whatever if you can make it you can use it." and that's how it started out.

My life's pastWhere stories live. Discover now