adjusting to my,er, his death

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 Today, I went to my local phone store so that I could get a bluetooth. I didn't even know how to use it and yet I still act like I do. Ever since our first ghost date I haven't exacly seen him around too much. i think his parents are really going to go crazy without him. I mean, he's their first born, their favorite child. I just can't imagine how they must feel.

So, I was walking down the street pretending to be on my bluetooth. "So, what exacly do you want me to do, I can't just say that to him."

"Well, I do want you to tell someone else that I'm a ghost! I don't wanna keep this between us. I want someone else to be able to help us with this. I don't6 want us to get into a fight or something, and people try to talk to you, and you don't know what to tell them. I want you to have someone to talk to about us. Idon't want you to be alone and isolated from the world, livivng a second life."

"No! I don't want that! I'm not rating you out just for me to not be isolated! i don't care!"

""But, if you don't you will iss out on your life. You will spend your entire life grieving, and wanting to be dead. I just came back to help you get over me. And then I'm gone."

"So, there's nothing I can do to bring you back?" He walked faster, and faster ahead of me. I started to hove past people so that we were closer, but he kept a good distance, until we were at my house.

"Baby, Jeremy. Please, talk to me. There's something I can do?"

"I won't talk to you until you talk to someone about us." I picked up my phone and talked to one of our closest friends, Macy. I told her everything, and she reacted normaly. She said that I could come talk to her at any time. When we finished talking, I hung up, and Jeremy appeared in front of me with loving eyes.

"There is a stone, that is said to be able to give the dead, a second chance at life, if the person who killed them, is dead. Becuase, the balance of things, is kinda like an eye, for an eye. A life for a life. I'll just come back to life, and everything will go back to normal. But, you also have to put off my funereal."

"How do i do this?"

I'm sooooo sorry for not uploading on this story. But, I just got over my writers block with this story,and I will try to upload verry soon. 

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