Chapter 5: Epilogue

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Lucy is at home with Happy as well as her two children at the ages of almost five and one.

The younger one, Luna, has inherited Lucy's blonde locks that have somewhat have a wild streak to them. Her brown eyes are always full of wonder as she learns new things every day. Her personality is more like Natsu in the ways that she eats and sleeps a whole lot like him.

Nashi looks more like a Heartfilia than a Dragneel with his neat blond hair and brown eyes. He acts more like Natsu than Lucy, but his love of books clearly comes from his mother. But of all things, his newly tapped magic is showing potential to be rather cold...

With Luna on her right hip, Lucy blinks at the scene before her. A chair in the family room is frozen solid in a chunk of ice. It seems abnormal, but abnormal is what Lucy is used to. Especially because of her husband.

Hands on hips, Nashi is beaming with pride at what he accidentally accomplished. He and Happy had been goofing around at the time.

Lucy looks away from the ice to look down at her son. "And you did this?"

He nods eagerly. "Yep!"

"It's true!" Happy says to back up him even though there is no doubt that Nashi did not to it. "I saw it all happen!"

She cannot help but smile. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Do you think that Dad will be, too?"

Yesterday Natsu went away on a job with Gray, and he should be arriving home this evening. That is if the two do not take longer because they are butting heads and trying to one up each other like they always do. Fire and ice still do not get along.

"Oh, I'm more than sure of it," Lucy replies.

Nashi pumps a fist into the air. "Woo!" Then an idea pops into his head. "I'll hafta practice so I can get good! Really good! That'll surprise Dad!"

"And he'll see how great of a mage you are!"

He grins up at his mother. "Thanks, Mom!"

"Let's go outside in the backyard," Happy suggests.

"Yes, no more freezing furniture," Lucy agrees.

"Aye, sir!" Nashi and Happy say in unison.

Then Nashi points a finger at Happy. "I'll race you!"

"You're on!"

The two take off, but skid to stops when the front door to the home opens up.

"Yo!" Natsu greets loudly, announcing his presence.

"Oh, he's home earlier than I expected." Not that Lucy can complain about it. She only hopes that everything went smoothly for her husband and Gray.

"Dad!" Nashi calls, a big smile already on his face. "Dad, we're in here!"

"Come look!" Happy adds.

Natsu strides into the room, his bookbag over one shoulder, and freezes in place. He stares in disbelief at the scene in front of him. Then he slowly turns to look at his wife. "Ice... ?"

She nods.

He seems highly confused. "Was Ice Princess here?" He sniffs the air, not catching a trace of his scent.

"I did it!" Nashi says proudly, hoping for praise from his father.

Natsu looks at Nashi. Then at Lucy. Back to Nashi one last time. Finally, he stops on Lucy. "Are you sure he's related to me... ?"

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