hope chapter 50 last chapter

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OK readers this is the last chapter enjoy but I'll have a third book about Rowan and Peyton and Reyton and everything

The doctor - Reyton you are getting the kidneys we just got the news today

All of them - this is amazing this is this is amazing thank you so much

The doctor - you are welcome but after she gets the kidneys she was still need to be rested and we would like to do a lot of  check ups on her to make sure she's OK

Rowan and Peyton - OK 

Reyton - after I get  them would it be OK if I went home

The doctor  - Reyton it would be the best thing if you went home after  because today you get your good news

Reyton - yes I do mommy daddy it happened it really happened

Rowan and Peyton - yes it did it happened baby girl

Rowan and Peyton calls their parents

Rowan and Peyton's  parents - hello

Rowan and Peyton - she did it she did it Reyton got her kidneys

Rowan and Peyton's parents - what's the most amazing news we've heard in a long time

Rowan and Peyton - we know we can't believe it  it's actually happening

Rowan and Peyton's parents - that's our granddaughter she's a fighter one of the best ones we know

The doctor - Rowan Peyton you ready

Rowan and Peyton - we're ready

August - you can do this you did this like I knew you could like I knew you would

Corey and Sabrina - you are one strong girl

Amir and Ceci - so proud of you Reyton

Reyton - I'll be better I'll be better for all of you myself to and  mommy and daddy you don't have to cry anymore

Tears are in their eyes

Reyton - I told you someway somehow we would cried today

Reyton wipes her parents tears away

Reyton - mommy daddy you don't have to cry today

Rowan and Peyton - these are the good tears baby girl the tears of joy

Ben and Danielle - Reyton it's OK to have good  tears

Reyton - I know

Ben and Danielle - good girl

The doctor - ready Reyton

Reyton - one more thing I just need one more thing we do

Reyton kisses her parents

Reyton - one for you

Rowan and Peyton kiss their daughter back

Rowan and Peyton - one for you too baby girl

Reyton - I'm ready now

The doctor - me and all the other doctors we'll take care of her bring her back to you all of you

Rowan and Peyton - thank you so much

The doctor - you're welcome I've never seen a kid as strong as she is but now I know where she get that from she get that from every last one of you in this room that's where she gets it from

Reyton - mommy daddy 

Rowan and Peyton - yeah

Reyton - I

Rowan and Peyton - love us

Reyton - yes I do mommy daddy

Rowan and Peyton - we love you too

Off to the operating room She goes  for her new kidneys

Rowan and Peyton - she made it to the point we were hoping for and we make sure she stays there for as long as possible

All of them - yeah we do we do whatever it takes so these kidneys don't fail her too

Rowan and Peyton - today we got good news the best news ever given to a person in life today is a little bit better then yesterday and  tomorrow will be a little bit better then today because all of this together is a process to take all in and we know that with every passing day the next day is a little bit better then the last day it's all in our process this may be our presence for the rest of our lives who knows who knows anything anymore but the one thing you do know is that it's all the process and she will be better and the thought the process we still have our  girl and it may not be perfect from here on out like we said who knows but we still have it and that's the great part about it and it will always be the great part to this whole situation to her whole life because she didn't give up because she got the kidneys we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day or the next day but we can say this happened can say this day happened for her for us it all happened

Hours later the doctors bring Reyton  back to the room and everybody waits for her to wake up

The doctor  - she should be up soon we want to tell you that everything won't always be easy for her but she did great in surgery she did really amazing

Rowan and Peyton - we understand that it won't always be easy we are just happy to have her back with us where she belongs

Reyton wakes up

Rowan and Peyton - hi baby girl welcome back

Reyton - did it work mommy daddy do I have my kidneys

Rowan and Peyton - it worked baby you have them

Reyton - yay yay yay

All of them - you did it Reyton

Reyton - yeah I did but your member when I said I'd be ready to go home after

Rowan and Peyton - yeah

Reyton - I don't want Olivia to see me in pain maybe I'm not ready yet

Rowan and Peyton - it's OK baby it's OK  we have something better

Reyton grandparents call and talk to her she feels better

Rowan and Peyton - she is amazing she is our Reyton

And there you have it hope you liked it I'll be back so you guys definitely get to know how Reyton is doing and everything after she got her kidneys

Reyton Unwritten Sequel to He's 17 She's 14 Reyton  By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now