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Hi everyone!! Ok so I know its short But I'm going to work on it its just a temporary thing :)

Maybe one day.

Maybe one day we'll understand exactly why they chose us, but for right now we're stuck with not knowing. Maybe they were trying to do what they thought was saving us. Maybe they thought, with them, we had a better chance of a future. Mayb-.

"Miss Snow, can you tell us the events that occurred on the day of June 7, 2014?"

I looked into the lady's eyes. They were a bright blue just like his. I wonder where he is. I wonder where the police took everyone else.

    "Miss Snow? We need you to stay focused, we have to get your statement of the accident and everything that lead up to this. Think of it as giving your side of the story, your chance to talk about what went on with them."


I wonder where they are. I wonder where the police took them. I wonder if they would leave me. What if they Already left me. No. They wouldn't leave me. Not after th-

"MISS SNOW! " Her voice rang throughout my head.

"Do you have any food?" My voice was rough. It had to have been at least 7 hours since they had brought me here and with everything going on, eating had completely slipped my mind.

Wow, that's a first.

"Im sure we can work on getting you something."

Thank Goodness I was about to di-

"After you answer some of my questions."

It's official. I'm going to die here. Hungry and tired.

There is no way i was going to survive this.

What did these people want me to say? Did they expect me to tell them that they were horrible and they were the worst human beings and they need to be gone from this earth? Because they weren't. They were not what people made them out to be.

"You don't know anything about me, what makes you think i want to give you my statement?" my voice was cold. Good. I didn't need them thinking i was weak. Even though i was.

The lady eyed me. I knew that look. She was assessing me. She picked up the file that had been laying out on the table in front of her. It was my file. Who else's would it be? How had i not noticed it before. She opened it and turned to the first page.

"Let's see..." Her eyes wandered the page  "Athena Elizabeth Snow, also goes by Thea and Knowledge. You are 18 years old. Your mom and dad founded the Snow Organization, formed to Help People, quite ironic seeing as your family is the one that needs the help. Moving on," I could see the glimmer in her eyes, she knew that statement got to me. The only one who was allowed to bash my parents was me. "You have three siblings two are older  and one younger. Lets start with the older ones, shall we?  William and Miles. William died when he was 18 when he was caught in a shooting in a mall, is that why you never go to the Mall, miss Snow?" Rhetorical. That was rhetorical. She didn't want an answer, she's just trying to get to you, don't listen, block her out. "Miles is, what, 19 now? You and him were the closest," Yep. "you didn't go anywhere without him, until he ran away when he was 15, leaving you with workaholics as parents and your younger sibling Hope. She was 3 at the time. Quite a handful all by yourself," You have no idea. "Might i say." No you may not. "Now, when you were 17 you went to a house party with three of your friends Neil, Dean, and Olivia? A fire caught that night from someone's cigarette, it wasn't caught in time, Neil, Olivia and nine others hadn't go out in time and died that night. That must have been terrible for you. I mean first your brothers, and now your friends, and so recent too." She said with fake pity in her voice.

My eyes were swelling with tears. Why was she doing this!  She had it wrong, they all had it wrong! Nothing in that file was right. She knew it. That's why I was here, so they could get the secrets my family paid people to keep hidden. 

Wasn't it?

I had always tried to be the model child my mom and dad desired, going to meetings with them, getting above average grades, being on the track team. Everything I did was for them, but eventually you get tired of trying to impress, and trying to be something that your not, and you just stop. You stop putting up an exited smile every time a reporter asks you if your proud of the accomplishment that your parents have made, of if your exited to be handed down the business.  Everything is suddenly always in slow-motion and you're just there. Watching.

You just want to be you.

They  taught me not to fall for these things, the games people played to get inside your head.  But I cracked. And with that crack came more until I couldn't hold it and I needed to speak.

My whole life I have tried to get my parents attention by doing everything to perfection. Yet all they could do, was tell me more words and lies to feed the press about my family.

For once I was going to tell the truth.

"That's not right, none of that is right." I couldn't meet her eyes all i could do is stare at my hands that lay trembling in my lap and try my best to fight back the memories the best i could.

'Don't let the thoughts consume you Thea you're stronger than what you think, you are more than they anticipate, use that.'

But how could I use that NOW, i begged my inner mind.

"Then tell me the truth, I need to know so everything can go away, you'll be free of the burden of your parents." I looked at her, my lip quivering, would everything really go away could she really do that?



I knew that it was stupid to trust her, but in that moment felt so utterly vulnerable i couldn't help but fall for the thought that everything could go back to normal, as normal as things could get, and be with my sister again. So i told her the things that i made myself keep quiet about for years, things i instructed myself never to speak of. Everything I had held in my whole life started overflowing.

She looked at me with ready eyes, as if she already knew everything i had to say. Like she had cases like this all the time. I can assure you, she didn't.

"OK" i started.

And before i knew it i was telling her everything that once seemed so normal.

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