Chapter 1

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"Can't keep my hands to myself" I whispered in his ear.

"No matter how hard I'm trying to" I inched closer. I could feel the heat radiating off of him from here.

"I want you all to myself" I could see the burst of red light up his face and his grip on the wheel tighten.

"You're metaphorical gin and juice" This. was. Awesome. He was getting so embarrassed and I was loving it. This is what I live for. "I want you all to myse-"

"What does that even mean? Metaphorical gin and Juice? What is that?" Dean's Voice interrupted me as he stopped for some cars to pass giving him an opportunity to turn and look at me.

That was a good question... gin and juice weren't metaphorical.

I was about to answer him when I noticed he had already pulled into a parking stop at school next to Neil and Olivia as usual.

Dean was out of the car and next to Neil before I could process that I wouldn't be finishing the joke. I got out in time to hear Dean start talking to Neil.

"She did it again Neil. She did the thing." Dean's face was still a dark shade of red, which was like the frosting on top of a cake.

"Really Knowledge, you would think you would stop doing that." he began, rolling his eyes playfully as he said it "I mean he did almost crash last time."

"You guys just don't understand how much pleasure i get from knowing that I'm making him uncomfortable, and besides it's not like I'd ever like him like that." i said grinning.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Dean gasped

"You're gay you idiot, and besides you've got Neil, and I'm sure you would much prefer him over me." I started throwing him a wink as I made my way over to Olivia.

"I did it again." I stated knowing she knew what i was talking about, glancing over at Dean to find him laughing at a joke Neil must have made, face still red but not for the same reason.

"You didn't." she said in disbelief.

"I did" I reassured her.

"You are terrible Athena Elizabeth Snow." she said smiling like a maniac. "Hey we should head inside so we have time to stop by our lockers in time to get to class before the Bell for first rings." she said already walking towards the doors knowing i was going to follow.

In school I was known for two reasons.

1. My parents are the founders of the Snow Organization. They basically help rich people get richer. Which means much to my dismay, the children of those families are always trying to be my 'friend'.  Unfortunately after the first result of one of their so called 'friendships' ended in disaster, they don't seem to like me anymore. Bummer.

2. I am the fastest runner on the track team. Ever since I was little I have been running. At first it was simply one of the many leisure activities my parents had me doing, but after a couple months it became more than just some activity.  It became the one thing that I could do to express myself, without anyone knowing. Just how my family liked it.

But besides that, you're probably wondering about my friends, and if you're not, oh well.

Neil and I have known each other sense third grade when I had fallen off the monkey bars onto his unsuspecting form below. I broke his arm, but be reassured my people, freshman year he hit me with his car, still dont know if it was an accident. I broke my leg.

Our relationship is perfect.

Neil has always been there for me. We do everything together. I was the first person he came out to, not that I needed to be told, I had been suspecting for a while. Neil's the type of person you can't hide anything from, its like whenever you're sad he already knows and has some Ben and Jerry's on hand.

After Neil was Olivia. So, it was sophmore year, History class. Liv sat right next to me. I had never spoken to her before, until i saw her pull out a pack of mint gum, my favorite. There was one piece left. I stole it. And ate it. Then choked  because she punched me. We were sent to the principals office, shocker i know. As a peace offering I bought her a whole new pack, sadly she refused to share it with me.

Olivia can always make me laugh. She always has a smart remark ready and is the ultimate sass queen. You don't want to make her upset, or steal her gum, or bad things will happen. We used to argue all the time, but once she realized that I wasn't a dirty gum robber and I actually had a soul, maybe ;), we became friends.

Dean was sophomore year. I knew he and I had to be friends when he pulled up to school in his Chevy Silverado. It was beautiful. I just had to have it. but i couldn't so the next best thing was to be his friend. It was perfect. And then he met Neil. And My spot was gone. Never again in would I ride shot gun in my, Dean's, Chevy Silverado. Its heartbreaking I know.

Dean is the sporty one. Yes he's gay, and most people think no gay person is going to be athletic. Whelp, I have three words for you. Stereotypical judgmental jerk. Dean is the running back for our football team and was benched for a while when word got out that he was in a relationship with Neil. Eventually, after they lost a number of games they put him back on the field, coming to terms with the label.

As we walked through the doors, I could immediately tell it was going to be a bad day. At the far end of the hallway you could very clearly see the figure of Carson Evers. AKA my arch nemesis. Ever since sophomore year when I was deemed faster then him, he had had a hatred for me that he makes sure i know every day. 

Carson stood against the lockers with the rest of his friends in a circle around him talking casually, as he continued to suck the face off of one of his daily hoes.

"Gross." I said scrunching my face up in disgust "Do they always have to do it in the hall, its disgusting."

"Well, think of it this was, Em, Every second he spends swapping spit with Barbie over there we have extra time to sneak past without getting noticed." she was right, as we silently passed them, they either didn't see us, or they deemed their 'activities' far more important.

"How do you think they can get away with that kind of PDA when Neil and Dean get sent to the office for holding hands?" She asked gazing at the kissing figures over my shoulder.

"Simple, they are so high up on the popular scale, they are able to smile and get their way" I told her, It was true. Every time Carson or one of his boys got into an ounce of trouble all they seem to do is give one of their signature 'I promise it wont happen again' and all is well.

By the time we stopped by our lockers and made it to class the bell had rung and the final stray studdents came rushing in the class. Looking to the front i sighed as I read the words scribbled on the white board.


I hated history. Pulling out my notebook I glanced across the room to Olivia, she shrugged and gave me a knowing look. Today was going to be long, thank the lord it's Friday.

Hi Guys I should have the next chapter up by wednesday! Sorry about the long wait ive been a little busy with school. Hope you like it so far!! Dont forget to Vote and Comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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