I almost got raped...

28 7 16

Okay so I wasn't really in the mood to be on Saturday night or Sunday for this reason...

I almost got raped.

Okay yea not even close to being kidding yet I wish I was. Okay so this is how it went down:

So I had just got out of Young Frankenstein (the production I'm in now) and I called to ask my mom if I could meet her by a coffee shop that was just a block away to get coffee... knowing where it was and seeing as though she was running late, she agreed. So I made my way to the shop and was waiting outside, and this is still technically considered in the Denver Center complex, but I didn't want to loiter and wait inside for 20 min so I waited outside... I was on my phone playing a game when a guy came up to me asking me for directions to the nearest pet shop.
And I might have looked up to see his face at one point in time, but I really don't remember what he looked like.
Anyways I said I had no idea, and proceeded to look up the directions on my phone. I told him the closest one is about 4 miles away. He asked me if I could take him there, and obviously I said no.
After I said no, he grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me down the street towards an alleyway. I was screaming and making up excuses like I was on my period or stuff like that. We almost were to the alleyway when I heard a voice yelling 'babe'. This teenage boy about my age ran up to me and hugged me whispering to go along with it. This boy was taller and more built than the man, so he puffed out his chest and asked what the man was doing with his 'girlfriend' with that the man ran off. The teenage boy looked down at me and asked if I was okay. I nodded still in shock, and he walked me back to the coffee shop. He told me he would hang out with me while I waited to make sure I was okay.
We had quite a give conversation about how his sister had been raped, and how he would never wish that on anybody. Then my mom called and he left...

So yea okay it really took me all my might to remember how it happened, and what the boy looked like, but I was so shaken up, I honestly can't remember. So umm if you guys want to ask questions about it, I'm open to talking about it, because I feel if I can warn people I could help save some lives. And if I don't remember something, I will tell you too.

I thought I should explain why I wasn't on Sunday that much, thank you all for being beautiful amazing people

I bless you with this picture if the day

I bless you with this picture if the day

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