The Airport

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   "Final call for passengers boarding flight number 32 headed for Pula, Croatia," the flight attendant screeched through the announcements.
Croatia is a beautiful country in Europe. If you know where Italy is (the boot) then Croatia is directly on the right.
Many celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and countless others have visited Croatia. This year, Brad went by himself with some friends.

   We ran up to the flight attendant and practically shoved our boarding passes at her. "Can we still get on?" my Mom asked her.

"Yes you made it right on time," the flight attendant replied sarcastically.

She stamped our passes, and we entered the plane. We quickly found our seats. I was really happy that I had seats with my parents, since looking at all the strangers in the plane kind of freaked me out. Don't you ever just really not like it when you enter a plane and all the people are staring at you?

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will take off momentarily, there are just a few things we need to take care of. It will be about a half an hour," Our pilot said.

"Ugh!" I groaned.
I decided to take out my phone and just see if there was anything new. I texted my friends one final "good bye" and then tried to sleep.

Just when I fell asleep the pilot stated speaking again," Ladies and gentleman, pardon the interruption, but I just wanted to inform you that the plane will take off momentarily. Flight attendants, please prepare for take off."
I ignored the comment and scrolled through the movies. I decided to watch "The Boss". It was such a hilarious movie that I could just watch it again and again!

Thirty minutes passed, then and hour. I was at the best part of the movie, the funniest scene, when the pilot started to rant on again." Cabin Crew, prepare for landing."
I was annoyed because his announcement stopped my movie, but when he said "landing", I swallowed my frustration and became excited!
"Yay we're landing!!!!" I practically screamed.
That woke up several passengers on the plane but I didn't really care. I was so excited to see all my relatives and friends, we always have so much fun together.

After we landed we went to the baggage claim to get our suitcases. I tried to hurry my parents up so that we could finally leave the airport.
"Mom, Dad, hurry up!" I whined.
"Sarah, calm down. We'll get there soon." My Mom replied, half paying attention.
As soon as we got our bags I ran in front of everyone to see who would come pick us up this year.
It was my uncle, my cousin Markos, and one of my Mom's best friends. I ran up to them, not knowing who to hug first. We all ended up in one huge hug, which caused stares from other people there.
We decided that I would go in the car with my uncle and Markos, while my parents would go with Korina.(my Mom's friend)

We all arrived at one destination, our beach house in Pješcana Uvala. (a small town near the beach)

Houses in Croatia are pretty different from here in the US. One house is usually 3 stories high, and at lease one of the stories is usually for tourists, because Croatia gets large amounts of tourists each year.

As soon as we got to our story, (the 3rd one) my parents said something that puzzled me very much.
They said," Sarah, we have a huge surprise for you, someone is coming to Croatia, and you will be extremely happy!"
"Who?" I asked.
"Haha that is a surprise," My Dad said very mysteriously.
"Please tell me!" I begged.
"Nope," My Mom said.

And, yeah! That's my story! Hope you love cliffhangers! I'm super excited because this is my first story on wattpad, so please vote and share it, love you all!!!!❤️❤️

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