The Aquagun Slide

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    I couldn't wait until I knew who the mystery person that was arriving was. The feeling gnawed at me all day. I had butterflies in my stomach! My parents usually did not keep surprises from me, but when they did the outcome was usually great!
    I filled my days with swimming in the Adriatic Sea with my cousins. The water was so warm and clear that you could see all the fish and the sand at the very bottom. Markos and I went snorkeling, and found so many things such as: shells, sea urchins, and my cousin even found coins!

     We had dinner at an extravagant restaurant named Škuža. It has delicious sea foods, pizza and so much more! I had pizza and then ice cream. I knew my day wasn't that "awesome" but I knew that later it was going to get so much better.
I begged my oldest cousin Teodora to have a sleep over with me, since she was always with her boyfriends and friends. She consented. The sleep over was kinda lame because she was constantly on her phone. Does it ever annoy you when your friend or someone close is always on their phone when you are trying to have an important conversation with them?

    Finally morning came, and Markos came over for breakfast. One thing you need to know about him is that he looooves to eat. We hadn't even stated to eat and Markos already said," What are we going to have for lunch?"

    I laughed," Oh my Golly, we haven't even eaten breakfast yet!"

    After breakfast my aunt and uncle decided to take us to the Aquagun at Punta Verudela. The Aquagun was a huge, winding slide that went quickly and then you ended up in a pool at the end. We payed for half and hour and down, down, down we went. My three cousins, (Teodora, Adrian, and Markos) and I descended in a chain where we lied down on our stomachs and then held on to each other's feet. We also went backwards, rolled in a ball, and tried to stand, which was very difficult since the slide was quite slippery.

    When the half hour was up, the man closed the gate leading to the slide. Usually if your time is almost up the worker lets you know. Unfortunately the man didn't give us a warning , so he closed the gate while we were in the pool. When we climbed up the stairs we found that the gate was locked. Now, the only way to return to the beach was to go back down the stairs, or go down the slide.

    We all though the same thought, as we scanned the arena for the man who operated the slide. The water the started trickling slowly, so we took our chances. We climbed over the gate and went down the slide one last time. Just as the entered the pool at the end of the slide, the water had stopped moving. We sprayed each other on the pool for a bit and then got out and went to the beach where our parent were.

" Didn't the slide stop working 10 minutes ago?" My Mom asked us.
"Uh, yeah." I answered.
"Then why are you guys 10 minutes late?" She questioned, again.
" We climbed over the gate," Adrian replied.
"Wow, now I feel bad. The man let you go on the slide for free, and then you deceived him?" My Dad chimed in.
"Jeez, we climbed over the gate, no one died," I said.
My aunt and uncle just shrugged, so my parents paid no mind.

"Alright who wants to go on the pedal boats?"
My Mom asked excitedly.
"I'm really tired," I said.
"And I'm hungry," Markos added as his stomach growled.
Teodora laughed," Our house for dinner?"
"Yeah!" I shouted.
"Their" house meant my aunts homemade pizza and crepes. My mouth was watering just thinking of it.
And that was exactly what happened. We ate pizza and crepes and watched 21 Jump Street.
I looooove Channing Tatum so I really enjoyed the movie.
After it finished, my uncle said," Sarah, have you seen the movie Mad Max?"
"Uhhhhh, no," I answered.
"WHAT?!?!" You're a California redneck and you haven't seen Mad Max!!!!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah, that is literally what I just said, and I'm not a redneck." I retorted.
"Adrian, start Mad Max, please," My uncle ordered.
"Ugh seriously," I groaned.
"You'll love it," My uncle promised.
The movie started, and I automatically had so many questions," Who's that guy? Why is he wearing that mask? Why does he only give them a little bit of water? Who are those people? Where are they? What time period is this?"
"Shut up Sarah," Markos said, fed up with everything, "You will see soon."
The movie finished and I was so bored. Basically the whole time they were chasing the other and then a pregnant lady got run over by a truck. I really disliked it. There was no plot at all, whatsoever.
"Ok, can you take me home? I'm really tired."
I said.
"Sure ok," My uncle answered.
The whole ride home it was really quiet except for when my uncle asked," So, what did you think of the movie?"
"It was lame," I answered.
No reply came from him. I felt as if that was hurtful so I said," I mean, it wasn't my type of movie, but I'm glad you like it."
Still no answer.
We arrived home.
"Thanks for everything, bye," I said.
"Bye, see you tomorrow, Sarah," was the reply.

Once I returned to our story, I jumped into the shower. Shortly later, I was making a list of who the mystery person would be. These are the people I thought of:
1) Anushka
2) Mona
3) Sofia
4) Emma
5) Jessie
These girls were some of my really close friends from school, so I though," If my parents really wanted to surprise me, then one of my friends would come.
With that thought, I fell into a deep sleep.

There you go! Chapter 2 of A Fabulous Summer in Europe! Hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote and share my story with others! Remember, the more you vote, the faster I'll update since I feel like you like the story once there are many votes. If you have any questions feel free to message me on wattpad! Love you all!❤️❤️

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