Chapter 6: The Mayfly Man

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The room has wood paneling on the walls and a blue carpet. Banks of benches with red leather covered seats form a semi circle, there are six rows of these benches in tiers.  At the font of the room on top of a high dais is a large ornate bench behind which is a chair where the Chairman would sit.

Many women are standing silently in front of the seats all around the room while you and Sherlock walk down the steps towards the floor, looking around as you two go, then reach to the bottom and walk across towards the Chairman's bench and turn to face the seats. You and him slowly scan all of the women then point towards to one of them.

"Not you." Sherlock said and the woman sits down. You point at another woman and said. "Not you." And that woman sits down and you and Sherlock continue this for awhile until there are only four women standing. Sherlock approaches the nearest woman, who's wearing a black dress.

"Hi." said Sherlock.

"Gail." The woman replied.

You walk towards the next woman who's wearing a denim jacket. "Charlotte." She said as Sherlock walks towards the third woman in a pink jacket.

"Robyn." She said.

Then, you turn to the final woman wearing a red dress and a red leather jacket. "Vicky." She replied.

After while all four women are standing in a semi circle in front of you and Sherlock. You look over at Gail and asked. "How did you meet?"  

"Came to me in a pub." She replied.

"Same gym as me." Charlotte said.

"We just got chatting on the bus." Robyn replied.

"Online." Vicky said, who looks over at Sherlock in a flirtatious way.

You glare over at her as Sherlock asked. "Name?"  

"Told you." Gail said.

"His name." Sherlock said.

 "Oscar." Gail replied.

"Mike." Charlotte said.

"Terry." Robyn said.

"Um, love_monkey." Vicky said and Sherlock frowns at her. You look between the women and asked. "Your place?"  

"His place." All four women said, simultaneously.

"Address?" Sherlock asked. And all four women gave you four different address at the same time.

"Nothing happened. It was just....very romantic." Gail said. Sherlock looks over at you and said. "Four women in four nights." You nod and said. "He must have something special."  

"He was very charming." Gail replied.

"He listened." said Charlotte.

"He was sweet." Robyn said.

"He had a lovely manner." Vicky said.

"Different names, different addresses." You said. You look over at the women and said. "Describe him."

 "Short blonde hair." Gail said.

"Dark hair--long." Charlotte said.

"Ginger. I like gingers." Robyn said, shrugging.

"Couldn't tell. He had a mask on." Vicky said in a laid back way.

Sherlock goes over to the bench and grabs a newspaper and quickly turns the pages until he reaches the Obituaries page. "(Y/N), look at this." He said and you walk over to his side and ride the paper over his shoulder. "He's stealing the identity of corpses, getting names for the Obituary columns." He said to you.

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