Looking througt the eyes of love - melissa manchester

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Please, don't let this feeling end
It's everything i am
everything i want to be
i can see what's mine now
finding out what's true
since i found you
looking through the eyes of love
now, i can take the time
i can see my life
as it comes up shining now
reaching out to touch you
i can feel so much
since i found you
looking through the eyes of love
and now, i do believe
that even in a storm we'll find some light
knowing you're beside me, i'm all right
please, don't let this feeling end
it might not come again
and i want to remember
how it feels to touch you
how i feel so much
since i found you
looking through the eyes of love

Letra de canciones Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora