18. I am Undying

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"Inspector!" Dimitri cried, adjusting his hat and smiling as if they didn't just break Clive out of his cell. "You see... there is a perfectly logical explanation for this."

"Quit with the excuses." He gestured for Clive to approach him and it was as the defeated boy made his way to Chelmey that Dimitri saw the handcuffs on Clive's hands.

Clive's eyes practically burst out of their sockets when the Inspector grabbed him, produced a key and unlocked his cuffs.

"But Inspector... I don't understand..."

"I knew it was you all along Clive. That Triton boy is off in America and I think that if he had a brother then that brother would go with him, wouldn't you agree?" Clive and Albert gulped and then he continued. "A change of clothes won't fool me. You see the thing is, I came here solely to find you, but then I started to notice some strange things when I was here. First a bunch of people are acting all bonkers and losing their heads and then the weirdest thing happened and I knew why Layton and you lot were here. I was heading through the Cabaret searching for you when a woman screamed. I ran over and half the room was standing still. They were looking out the window and towards the sky. I found out that the audience had panicked when the light from the sun vanished and they went to look. Apparently looking at the sky was dangerous so I didn't but poor Barton did and he froze like most of the others.

"Actually you’ll find that it was the moon causing the petrification, not the night sky." Albert said very matter-of –fact.

"Yes, thank you very much genius, but I didn't know that so wouldn't you agree not looking up was the best thing to do?"

"I... I suppose."

"Yes, well. Getting back into business. Where was I? Oh yes! Naturally, as Inspector I took control of the situation and calmed the lot down. I helped barricade the door as zombie-like men and women tried to get in. If Grosky were here it would have been a field day for him, but with his promotion and all I don't see him dirtying his feet with this line of work any time soon..."

"Inspector," Dimitri cut in. "You're going off topic."

"Right... Anyway it suddenly ended. The sky was blue once more and the sun shone brightly. The people were back to their original state and looking very confused. I knew then that I was caught up in a mystery that only Professor Layton could possibly embroil himself in."

"And that's when you knew that the best thing to do was to help the Professor!" Clive exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes... Yes, I knew that in these cases I was the lesser man unfortunately... But it doesn't mean I can't play my part. I will help through the aid of this here police force. Any extra hands needed, just report to me. And another thing to help the Professor is to allow his accomplices to go. He... he needs their help and I don't want to be the one to get in the way. The Professor only chooses the best for his cohort."

"Inspector..." Clive muttered, almost feeling a tear in his eye. "This is the noblest thing you've ever done... You won't regret this. I'll make sure the Professor knows!"

"You better!" As the others turned to go through the cupboard, Chelmey called them back. "Use the front door you nits!"

"Right..." Albert laughed.

"Oh, and Clive..." Clive turned at the door.

"Yes, Inspector?"

"I'm letting you go now, but once this is all sorted, once this is all over, you are going straight back with me. You understand?"

There was a slight pause and then Clive nodded.



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