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Sam returned from his rainy morning run to an empty hotel room and a red light obnoxiously flashing on the room's dated telephone. He headed towards the small table between the twin beds and yanked out his ear buds. Before his hand reached the blinking message light, he spotted an immediately recognizable scrawl on a notepad headed with the motel's logo.


Stepped out. Sick of being cooped up. Gonna find who brought us here.



Sam groaned, exasperated at his big brother's restlessness as he wrestled his cell phone from the holster wrapped around his arm and immediately dialed his brother's cellphone.

Each passing unanswered ring jerks Sam's stomach. When he hears Dean's voicemail greeting, his body recoils from mounting dread.

"Hey it's me. I'm busy. I'm not promising I'll call you back...**beep**"

"Dean, it's me. Call me back right now, jerk." Sam pleaded.

Dumbass. Sam was trying not to be overly concerned. But they were Winchesters, who was he kidding? If something bad is going to happen, it's going to happen to them. Or because of them. He called again. Voicemail.

"Shit!!" Sam growled as he tore his armband and attached headphones off and hurled them across the motel room.

He was too pissed to think clearly enough as to where to start looking for his idiot brother. Cas probably knows. Dean would tell Cas where to find him, at least.

"Won't tell his own damn brother where he's wandering off to, but he can tell his angel..." Sam grumbled to himself. He called the second number in his favorites list on his phone.

The line was answered after barely a ring.

"Hello, Sam? I tried to stop him..." the angel besought the younger Winchester.

"It's okay, Cas. Where did he go?" Sam asked bluntly. He was overwhelmingly irritated by his brother's impulsiveness.

"He said something about a warehouse. I'm concerned you two were lured there for nefarious purposes," Castiel paused, "but I honestly don't know who or why..." he finished contritely.

"Thanks, Cas. I will call you when I find him.Let me know if you come up with any new info," Sam quickly hung up and grabbeda handful of various weapons they had removed from the truck of the impala. Hefigured he could jog to the warehouse. He assumed Dean took a cab in this rain,but it couldn't be more than 2 miles from the motel. He stormed out the room,still securing sharp and explosive weaponry to his body. 

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