1- Her Highness

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The sound of thumps woke me up at 7:00 on this dreadful morning-the day we move houses. But seriously everyone? 7 o'clock? Can a girl not get a sleep in?

After Olly passed away about two weeks ago, we've had the funeral-let me tell you that was even more sad than when it first happened. We decided to move away from where it happened, so my parents bought a house in Dwellingyup, and we are moving in today.

I heard that the nearby school has good academics and dance programs, in which I'll be trying out for both.

There is currently a week until East Rogue Senior High School's semester two begins, which is when I'll be starting. Fortunately for me, Kade and his family were also moving to Dwellingyup and living next door to us, which meant I had a friend and a new neighbour with me here.

I slowly got dressed in a pair of dark blue high-waisted denim shorts and a grey crop shirt with the words 'Chase your dreams. Or the icecream truck' written in white, before hauling my lazy butt downstairs to help pack.

As soon as I stepped foot on the hardwood floor of the downstairs loungeroom, I was being ordered around.

"Cammy, go pack your room."

"Camryn, go pack the living and dining room things into boxes."

"Yeah, just give me a second to clone myself!" I groan

"Oi, Cam! Can you come up here and help me?" I heard Caylum-my brother's voice over my mother's many commands, so I decided to stomp my way back up stairs and into my older brother's room.

"What do you need help with Cay?" I questioned him.

"Oh, hi Cammy, can you take a few of the lighter boxes down to the moving truck for me?" He asked, "Pleaaaaaaase?"

"Do you really not think I'm strong enough to lift the heavier boxes?" I retorted over-confidently flexing my muscles.

I heard Caylum chuckle quietly, shaking his head at my stupidity before cockily replying with "Have you not seen my muscles lately?" Whilst pointing to his flexed bicep.

"Oh shush, just go along with me being 'extremely strong' and we can be friends." I said doing air quotations on the words 'extremely strong'. I then grabbed a random box and lifted it, figuring out is was a lighter one, I groaned at the fact my own brother doesn't know how strong I am and picked up another, slightly heavier box to take down as well.

After I had taken the first two of Caylum's boxes and put them in the moving truck, I helped him with the rest until there was no longer anything in his room.

"Hey Caylum, since I helped you with your room, you can help me pack and take my things out!" I called out for my older brother's help from my bedroom.

I heard a loud groan and someone say something that sounded suspiciously like "Ugh, you're so annoying. Why do I love you again?"

"Um, because I'm your sister and you're the bestest big brother in the world." I cooed loudly and heard a groan, letting me know he heard me.

Soon after I heard his heavy feet padding against the stairs, the door of my bedroom was swung open with Caylum standing in the doorway in all of his six foot four glory pouting like a child.

"What does Her Highness need help with?" He questioned in a fake posh accent. I started laughing hysterically. "Why are you laughing?" He again pouted like a child and spoke in the same fake accent which only caused my laughter to grow. Caylum suddenly grew very impatient and walked over to my bed to grab a pillow and throw it at me while I was still laughing. By the time he had stopped acting like a child and was glaring at me with his hands on his hips I finally sobered up, only letting out the occasional giggle.

"Cammy, seriously, what do you need help with?" He questioned impatiently.

"Um, if you haven't noticed, my bedroom is still fully intact and I kind of need to change that. And soon."

"Okay, let's do this!" Caylum exclaimed excitedly as he jumped straight into work.


Three and a half hours later my bedroom was entirely packed up, with the exclusion of my bed, nightstand, chest of drawers and desk. Currently, all that is needed to be done, is load everything into the moving truck.

"Hey Cammy, I'm gonna help you with loading all this into the truck, because I know you're too weak to handle it." Caylum said teasingly.

"Number one yes you can help me and number two I am so not weak you poo-bum" I retorted. He chuckled at my lame attempt of an insult. Although I know that whatever I say to him isn't going to affect him because his ego is through the roof, I still decide to have a little fun with my brother sometimes. However, with mock hurt written across his face, and a hand placed over his heart mockingly he replied with "You wound me young Camryn Isabella Morgan, I thought I taught you better than to insult others just because they are better than you. But for your information, my butt is entirely clean, haven't pooped yet today!"

"Oh my goodness Caylum, you are extremely immature for a 22 year old, and disgusting for that matter too!" I exclaimed.

The only response I got was a chuckle and a mumbled "Damn right I am, but you love me"

"Unfortunately so, but we need to hurry and get everything into the truck before it leaves. It's already 4:30 and the truck leaves at 5:15." I ordered. We then began the dreadful process of taking all my belongings outside into the freezing cold of August and dumping them into the moving truck.

The amount of times I went up and down the stairs to get from my bedroom to the truck out the front was uncountable and really made me question why Mum and Dad decided to buy a two-storey house. They probably had one of those ideas along the lines of 'If we get stairs, then our children have to walk more to get to the food and games and everything downstairs, which means they'll do more exercise and they won't be so lazy!' Unfortunately for me, our new house is three-storey, and from what I have heard of my mother's plans, Caylum and I will be on the third floor, my parents will have the second floor to themselves and the ground floor will be what Mum called 'the family floor'.


After packing the entire house, we left and were on our way to what me and Caylum thought was the new house, but found out about half an hour into the drive that we are actually staying the night at a hotel with Mum and Dad is going to drive to the house and help the moving people unpack everything, and sleep the night on an air-mattress.

So here we are sitting in a car bored out of our minds while I'm in the Internet looking for a dance school near my new house. I found a few in Dwellingyup, the closest one to my house being one called 'Ellie Sui's Dance Academy'. I found that this dance school specialised in Ballet, Tap and Hip-Hop, which were all my main points and also did Modern, Lyrical, Contemporary, Acrobatics, Ensembles and Troupes. I told Mum about my findings and she asked if I wanted to go have a look at this dance school, which I agreed to after we have settled into the new house.


About 10 minutes after my talk about dance schools with Mum, we arrived at the fancy little hotel we were spending the night in. It was a hell of a lot more comfy than I anticipated, but I definitely wasn't complaining.

I got dressed and hopped into bed with my brother -because there was only two beds in the room- and snuggled under the sheets. Minutes later another body jumped on and nestled into bed beside me. Caylum.

I felt my eyes get droopy and awaited sleep to take over, with only one thought on my mind: Bring it on Dwellingyup.

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