12- Let's Crash Girl's Night

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I stood there as I waited for someone to open the door. I had been waiting at Nicole and Aelin's front door for five minutes after getting Caylum to drop me off.

I huffed as I texted Nicole for the umpteenth time and once again, knocked on the door. This time I heard a number of different voices shouting at each other before I heard a click and the door slowly open. I was confused as I looked straight ahead noticing no one stood there before a force hit my legs and wrapped around me, "Pretty eye lady!"

I looked down and smiled at the little boy wrapping his arms around my legs. "Hey Orlando!" I cheered, bending down to pick him up and place him on my hip as I walked inside.

"So you have three sisters Orlando?" I asked him as he looked up from my shoulder with a grin spread across his face.

"Yep, Nicowe, Aewin and Rivewr." He nods his head as he says each name, struggling slightly on what I guess to be his baby sister's name.

"Have you been helping your Mummy with baby River?" I ask him, tickling his side slightly. He squirms a little, but looks down to the floor after wriggling out of my hold. "Have you been causing trouble?" I continue turning him around, he nods. "Hey buddy, what did you do?"

"I pooped in the shower." He giggles slightly as he tells me what he got in trouble for. I burst out laughing. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He has a completely straight face, pointing a finger at me and poking me with it, before his act fades and we both start laughing.

"Orlando! Who's there and who is laughing?" I hear Nicole's voice come closer to us as she finishes her sentence. "Oh, hi Camryn!" She smiled. "You know my friend, Orlando?" Her little brother nodded.

"Wremember pretty eye lady? That's her!" He said jumping up and down pointing to me. He seemed to have a bit of a hard time saying his 'r's' and 'l's'.

"Oh." Her face held realisation, "That would make sense, her eyes are very pretty aren't they?" She laughed as little Orlando nodded vigorously, his brown locks falling into his big brown eyes.

"Come on in then Camryn." She laughed as Orlando took my hand in his tiny one, leading me further into the house. "Where are we going?" I bent down to whisper to him.

"To the kitchen! For food!" Nicole shouted pointing her finger in the air and dragging out the word 'food'. "You have an obsession." I roll my eyes at her. She stops and turns around, glaring at me, "It is not an obsession it is true love." She crosses her arms.

I hum sarcastically as she huffs and turns around before skipping off in the direction we were headed. "Nutella is calling me!" I heard her from the kitchen.

"Don't mind her, she's annoying." Orlando tells me, rolling his eyes at his sister.

As Orlando and I finally make it to the kitchen, we see Nicole and Aelin huddled around a small section of the countertop. "Leave the poor Nutella alone!" Orlando shouted, squeezing between the two and no less than ten seconds later, returning but this time with a tub of Nutella in his tiny hands.

"Where has my love gone?" Nicole all but shouts, turning towards us as her eyes zone in on her little brother. "Orlando!" She screams.

He looks up at me, wide eyed, before darting off in an unknown direction, shortly followed by Nicole. I hear a huff and look up to meet the eyes of Aelin. "Wonders of having siblings, hey?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes and nodded, "Unfortunately." She let out a small chuckle, before the both of us burst out laughing.

We heard a loud squeal but ignored it as we continued laughing, "Camryn!" Orlando's voice came closer as he dragged out my name before running into me and clinging to my leg, still holding Nicole's beloved jar of Nutella. "Help pwease." He looks up at me, pleading with his cute little face.

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