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It's been 2 years since B-Joo has been better.

Everything is going really well.

Not just for B-Joo and I, but for everyone.

The group has gotten a lot more well known and idols are starting to be open with their sexualities. In fact, B-Joo and I came out as a couple last year and everyone took it really well. 

And tonight I'm going to ask B-Joo something very important.


"Are you ready?" I ask as I knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah." B-Joo then comes out wearing a white button-up shirt and black jeans that leave nothing to the imagination. I think I forgot to breath for a moment.

But I soon stop staring and we head out to the car.

I reserved a table for us at the private section of a restaurant.


"Wow! This place is amazing!" B-Joo says as we enter the building.

"I knew that you would like it." I say before putting my hand on his waist, pulling him closer.

"Your table is right this way." The lady says, and leads us to our table. I think she must be a fan because she's blushing and trying not to smile. I don't blame her though, we are adorable.

"How did you even afford this?"

"We're idols."

"Oh yeah." He's so cute, he forgets that we're famous sometimes.


After our meal, I take him to the last destination. A rooftop. I decorated it with lights, candles, and flowers.

"It's so beautiful!" B-Joo says, going to examine the lights.

"But why did you bring me here?" He asks while walking back to where I'm standing.

"I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

I then get on one knee and start speaking.

"I have known you for so many years and I've been in love with you since the moment I first saw you. Every day you have given me so much, just by existing. But tonight I'm going to ask you to give me one last thing. Will you be mine forever?"

I can see the tears forming in his eyes, but he's smiling so wide.

"Yes, yes. I love you so much." He says before hugging me tightly.

I pull away shortly after and take his hand in mine.

I then slip the ring onto his finger before kissing him sweetly.


I can't believe I'm actually fangirling over my own book lol but honestly I think this is really cute and I just-

But yeah the next chapter is the last

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