The Returner...........

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Holden's POV (Continued)

    So as I was going to class I saw Liv's friend Josh from Voltage but the weird thing is I haven't seen him in what seems like ages but when I see him I am instantly happy because now I don't have to pretend to be Liv's boyfriend anymore.

  As I walk past Josh I see Andy and Liv talking which brings a huge smile to my face. I decide to walk up to Liv and tell her even though it's gonna hurt her.

 "Hey........... Liv now that Josh is back I wanted to say that I have been cheating on you for the past 3 weeks,you are nothing but a worthless girl who doesn't deserve the people she has or anything that she has.I wish I had never met you back in 3rd grade but since I did I can tell you that you are just as worthless now as you were back then........." I was so freaking happy when I said that because she deserves to know what I think about her but honestly it sucked because I hurt her but what she doesn't know won't kill her

"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME HOLDEN HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I TRUSTED YOU AND ALL YOU DID WAS BREAK MY HEART. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AN IRRITATING JERK  AND YOU CAN GO CRAWL BACK UNDER THE ROCK YOU CAME OUT FROM UNDER AND BTW Saying that you wish you had never met me in 3rd grade isn't hurtful because I can say the same exact thing." She screamed at me proving my theory right that she would be very ticked off at me

"Oh my word Liv I'm soooooo sorry it's just that Andy told me she liked me and I didn't know how you would feel if I told u so I figured if I told you that I cheated on you then it wouldn't be as bad but then I realized that u were really upset and mad and I don't even know how to apologize because I should have just told you what was going on"I said trying to fix it all

"Holden you know you could have just told me that Andy likes you and I would have been fine I mean if you wanna be with her than go ahead that's fine with me but don't expect me to take you back if you go out with her because leaving me for my friend is one of the worst things you could ever do. Also just so you know Josh coming back doesn't change a thing but since you and Andy like each other I'll just go talk to Josh some more and maybe date him since you guys seem to be such great friends"She said and damn that girl is feisty

"Ok well this is nice and all but seriously Holden don't go back to her, I know you like me more and to be honest she is everything you said she is and more. I found out a few weeks back that someone saw Josh and Liv hugging and then they walked to class with their hands on each others back so if that doesn't prove that she's a cheat then i don't know what to say" Andi said and of course she just had to barge in like always

Liv's POV

 Ugh I swear Andi makes me so irritated she's trying to get Holden to leave me and to be honest the only reason me and Josh were hugging and walking to class like that is because we are a couple on our show so we have to pretend to be a couple in front of other people and our show is doing so good that we decided to hug and I haven't told Holden this yet but because the show is doing so good they want me and Josh to go do filming in LA which I'm super excited for but I don't know if Holden would be excited because that means that I would be moving to Cali but it would give Andi an advantage in being able to get with him.

-Hey guys sorry for not really writing much in this chapter but I'm gonna start another book and continue writing this one and my other one so if you can go check out my other book and check out my new one when it comes out. I'll keep you guys updated about when updates for my other book and my n

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