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        I had to stay at the hospital for another three days for testing and "proper rest". Danny was always there, except for when he went home to shower or to the little sub shop down the street to eat. We didn't utter a single word to eachother the whole time. What was I supposed to say? "Hey Danny, you fucked some other girl and I freaked out, crashed my car, and ended up in the hospital! How are you?" I know it wasn't his fault that I ended up there. It's just, I've blamed myself for everything bad that happens my whole life, it feela good to blame somebody else for once.

        I was finally allowed to go home. We were in the car when he finally spoke a word to me. "Listen, I know that I fucked up and I wouldnt be surprised if.." He paused. What was he going to tell me, he likes the other girl better? He never loved me?

"Please stay"

      I looked at him. He sounded so wounded. His eyes looked full od regret and....fear? I grabbed his hand. I knew his hands so well, ever callus and knuckle. He gave me a weak little smile. I know he's afraid of loosing me, and that his fear is breaking him. That's all the reassurance I need.

"I'll stay"


Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter. You should check out my friend @VoidedRoyalty 's story! He's a fantastic writer(: I dedicate this chapter to my friend Ceanta c:

Thanks for reading!


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