Day 54 - Saving a Life

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Yes, another chapter today. What can I say? Tuesday always was the day I released new chapters! See you next Tuesday ;)


Suzanne came to me this morning because she wanted to visit Georges. More precisely, she sent Sarah to me, persuading her to ask me that. Clearly it was a great idea since I can understand what Sarah is saying. She has an accent but it's a soft one. Her asking was nice and polite.

On the other hand, Suzanne seems rude to me, mainly because she makes no effort whatsoever to communicate with us. I mean... Her accent is so strong we can barely understand what she's saying and she's speaking so slowly as if we were some sort of idiots unable to understand English when she's the one who doesn't know how to speak it. I can't really see that as an effort to communicate, can I?

Anyway, Suzanne and Sarah had some time with Georges this morning. I was there watching them and he seemed really happy to meet them, but I didn't understand a word they said. They were speaking in French of course and I think they spoke about me too, but they were talking so fast I couldn't even figure a single word.

Their conversation wasn't that long and was interrupted when Xia and Anton finally came back. Will was watching the airport since Nathan went to bed twenty minutes before. He saw them first, then Noam, one of the French, recognized them. We sent a little group to welcome them: they didn't know we were hiding in the plane. They came back in the middle of the night and slept in the bus, worried because they didn't find us.

Nothing happened to them. They took their time to find medical stuff, sure, but that was only because they didn't know where to look for exactly. A lot of medicine had been stolen weeks ago when the city turned into utter chaos. However they robbed some houses and hospitals and finally had what they were trying to bring back.

Xia seemed more friendly toward Karine than she ever was toward me whereas Anton seemed mostly worried by their friendship. I can see why. Even if Karine seems like a nice girl, Xia is always on the defensive with everyone, except maybe Edmund. And Anton. And men, generally speaking. I guess she's only trying to know more about the French group thanks to this fresh new and unexpected friendship.

Luckily for them, they slept in the bus and no one found them there. It's a good thing because Karine was OK to start operating right now on Georges.

Of course, I'm writing "right now" but the truth is that everyone of us wanted to speak to Georges before anything was done to him. It took at least an hour but we finally all said goodbye to him. To be honest I'm really afraid by this operation. Sure, I've been afraid most of the time for two month anyway, but still. I know Karine is a surgeon but we don't know how good she is and she is basically operating him out of the blue. She doesn't know anything about him, she doesn't have his medical chart or anything. I'm no expert, I just watched a lot of TV shows about surgeons and they always seemed to use at least some electricity to save life. We don't have what they need on TV here on the plane.

Yes, she's operating in the back of the plane with the help of Melissa, Sarah, Suzanne and Will. It's a weird combo. Melissa had apparently some experience as a nurse back in the time. Plus, she's a mother so she knows stuff I guess. Suzanne insisted to be there and Sebastian was suspicious about that, so he asked Will to help them while he was taking his turn watching the tarmac for us. Finally, Sarah is only there to translate, even though she wasn't delighted about that. At all.

This morning when she asked for Suzanne to talk to Georges, she also said that she was afraid of seeing blood. I don't know how this translation thing will work if she can't help them. I'm still on the same plane but I'm also as far as possible from them. I don't want to follow what is happening, I'm too scared. I only watched them putting Georges to sleep.

It's been some hours already. I played a lot of stupid games with Michael today. It was nice to be with him and Anna and we just enjoyed our time together for a while. Then Anna asked Michael if he was ready to start learning things again. They're doing geometry right now, can you believe it? Will I believe it in the future when I'll be reading that? Am I writing to my future self? I'm really losing it, I guess, but not as much as Anna, right?

We're in the middle of the fucking App-ocalypse, one of our closest friend is being operated by a stranger and a group of people who have no idea what they're doing and we're surrounded by unknown French guys but she's making him work for school even though there is no school anymore. How crazy is that?

I don't know if I'm more upset about that or about Xia and Anton making out discreetly (or so they think) in the cockpit of the plane right now. I'm not sure it is the perfect time to do that but I came to understand they found condoms yesterday when they were looking for some medicine. Obviously they had to take them too.

Well, I'll try to speak with Edmund and Rose now, they're in the middle of a conversation about a rock band I have never heard about before. I have to keep my mind away from Georges' situation and I have no idea what to write anymore so it's worth a try, I guess.

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