Day 55 - Celebrating

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Well, he's still sleeping actually, recovering from the operation which was apparently exhausting for everyone. It's a pretty great news!

Of course, I'm kind of blinded by joy right now but if I'm starting to look at what happened I shouldn't be this joyful. I figure I have the right to let myself be happy for like 5 minutes of writing. My bliss is so huge right now : Georges is alive, Anna's shoulder is healing, I have Michael with me and we're even about to leave this damn country.

Yes, it is my country I know. I know I shouldn't be that happy to leave it, but it's been two terrible months and I'm looking forward to what the future holds for me in France. Of course, even with Georges safe, we have a lot of problems to resolve. I still don't trust those French people but they really don't look that much scary anymore. I even talked to Henry last night and he was nice. We played rock-paper-scissors together for a while, which is the stupidest game ever but one we can actually play without talking.

And I won, so it must be a good game, right?

The thing is, Henry was nice to me and I did let my guard down for a while. Maybe I shouldn't, I don't know, but it's even harder now that everything is fine. When I woke up this morning, there was silence all over the plane so I really freaked out. I thought the worst had happened.

As it turned out, I was the only one awake – that is except for Elaine who was on watch. When she saw I was awake, she came to me and told me the good news. I couldn't help it : I screamed joyfully and woke up everyone in a big startle. Oops, well done Eliza.

That wasn't my cleverest move, I know that too, but at least everyone knew the good news in like five seconds. And I didn't wake up Georges so it's kind of fine. OK, no it isn't, I also woke up Karine and that is really not that nice since she spent her night working to save him. I'm conflicted right here, but hey, I was happy and I couldn't hide it. Plus, I went to her to say I was sorry – I didn't have the occasion to say it, but I was going to.

I really am sorry, but going to speak to her was when things started to get not that blissful again.

Once woken up, she went to the bathroom and I went there to give her my excuses. I waited patiently behind the door, sitting in one of the emergency seat that was put there. I'm almost certain I heard her throwing up in there. I'm really worried now. Anton, Xia and her were supposed to have protective suits when they went to look for medical stuff but she may be contaminated by radiations after all. I don't know maybe I'm paranoiac but it was a scary sound to heard. It was like a trigger or something, and I found myself right back at when I was in the haven under the house. Hearing her, I relived all the drama with John and Adriana.

Of course, I never forgot about them but I was really starting to live my life again – I wrote it in the start of this page, I felt joy today. I wanted to write it even though I'm not that joyful anymore. I was living fully and experiencing some happiness but Karine sent me back to hell. I just couldn't face her if she was sick. I was about to say "sorry for waking you up but thank you for saving Georges" at the same time and now I'm just too worried about what she might live in a near future to share my happiness and have pointless discussion.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I went to the cockpit to speak to Anton about it. He didn't know about Georges and I was sure he would cheer me up. Plus, both Anna and Michael were sleeping again so he was the last one I could speak to. OK, maybe I could have talk to Edmund. I should have.

I didn't speak to Anton either. I was about to knock at the door of the cockpit to know if it was OK to enter the room but I heard something just as I was about to do it: Anton was crying. He was literally sobbing and it mortified me. I couldn't knock knowing he was crying. I couldn't hear their words but Xia murmured something to him. At least I heard it as a murmur.

So there we go: I was blissful when I woke up and I needed to write it because I have decided to write everything in this diary. The problem is that it didn't last at all. Now I'm mainly worried about the three of them. Karine, Anton and Xia I mean. Did something happened to them two days ago when they were outside of the airport? Is Karine sick? Is Anton sick? Why was he crying?

Are we going to get a pause in our chaotic lives to be truly happy for more than five seconds?

The worst thing is that I'm now the only one to worry. Everyone is taking a breakfast, they all look happy and they're all smiling – even Rose and Elaine. Both of them never looked so happy since I met them. They are, after all, always worrying about their children. For once they get to be happy for Georges and now they seem to be celebrating with the rest of our improbable group.

I can't ruin that, can I ?

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