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Addison POV:

I'm starting to cope with everything a lot better now although it is still really hard to sleep I've been throwing myself into helping my Dad and Aunt with funeral preparations, they're happy to let me to since it takes pressure off of them and it's helping me cope.

Perrie has been amazing as usual, Cait's leg is getting better by the day and Pez is back with me which is making things more bearable but I've also been hanging out with Jes, Jade and Leigh a lot more  recently which has been nice but it's also nice to go home with Perrie at the end of the day and be alone in our new house.

"You seem happier today beautiful." Pez told me as we walked into the house.

"It's hard not to be happy around you." I answer, I was still gutted over my Grandma of course but being so low is not just affecting me it's affecting the people I love too and I can't have that because they all have enough stress on them as it.

"Aww you're sweet." Suddenly a rush of energy and hormones came over me.

"Hey Pez?"


"Meet me in the bedroom lovely."

"Are you sure babe? You don't have to.... you know...."

"Oh believe me I'm sure."

"Well whatever you say beautiful." I laugh and run upstairs to get myself ready before calling down to Perrie up.

Perrie POV:

I swear I can literally read Addi's mind, I knew she'd been wanting to since yesterday but I didn't think she'd be as up for it as she is now... we haven't had much time to get intimate recently so this would be the first time in a while, I wasn't going to be rough with her like I normally would I just wanted to go slow with her right now because I think she's only doing this because she thinks I'm not happy that we haven't done anything in a while but it honestly doesn't bother me because I never ever got with her just to use and abuse her. I go upstairs and she pulls me into a long kiss and before I know it she's naked on top of me....

My breathing starts to slow as we both get dressed. "Did you like that lovely?" Addi asked.

"Of course I did." I say letting out a breath.

"I sense a but."

"But I don't want you to feel pressured into it, I'm with you Addi because I love you and I think you're funny, sweet, caring, loyal and extremely beautiful I did not get with you just for that although I did love every second."

"Haha I didn't feel pressured, I suggested it because I wanted to."

"That's okay then." I smiled jumping on her back.

"Walk on horsey." I giggled, she smiled up at me, I haven't seen her so happy in a long time, we get to the bottom of the stairs and into the living room, Addi throws me off her back onto the sofa before launching onto the sofa herself, she's very smiley until she gets a phone call.

"Thanks for telling me Dad, yeah okay I'll come over and see her, maybe she can come back to ours for a bit or something." She puts the phone down.

"I don't know if I mentioned but Alice and Mitch now have custody of Lottie and Blake... yeah well Lottie's been really down recently what with school and Mitch being upset over Grandma so I'm going over to see the kids, Blake doesn't really understand what's going on so he's okay it's just Lottie."

"Want me to come?"

"No it's okay I'll probably bring Lottie back here anyway, she could do with some time without Blake constantly chirping in her ear."

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