Request - Andy Samberg

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I'll try harder next time


"Live in two," called one of the producers of The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon (it's American). I felt scared to be on live, national television for the first time after getting married to my husband Andy. I was literally shaking in my boots as goosebumps crawled up my skin. "You're on in one, Fiona."

Perhaps it would've been better if I brought him along, then I wouldn't be feeling so scared and nervous. But Andy said he was busy tonight and I didn't want to mess up his schedule after just getting back from our honeymoon. I'll just have to push through it and hope for the best.

"Her new movie Ouija (just cause I wanna see it) is out in theatres now! Here is Fiona Samberg!" The host called as the curtain swept to the side and I came strutting out with a bright smile on my lips. Walking over to Jimmy, I hugged him and waved to the audience before sitting down, fixing the long gown I wore. "Congratulations, first of all on the marriage."

The crowd went into an uproar and I shyly smiled as Mr. Fallon held up a picture of Andy and me at the wedding ceremony. Of course it was a picture in which my husband and I were making silly faces at each other. I laughed lightly and thanked the host as he asked me how long I've been married for now.

"Two months, and counting." Showing the ring to the camera and the audience I looked at Jimmy, asking him about his marriage. He smiled sweetly and joked about his wife and child before getting on track about my new movie. As he talked I could feel the nerves falling off of me, making me feel more confident until the crowd started to laugh lightly. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no! Now about Andy, how'd he feel about the whole wedding?" Jimmy asked playing off the crowd and looking at me with a smug grin. I smiled back at him and started talking until I heard a loud yell behind me and turned to see my husband standing over me. Screaming and getting out my seat in fright, I placed my hand over my chest and looked to Mr. Fallon who was laughing aloud. "Oh, gosh! You should've seen your face!"

"Andy!" I cried out in angry and excitement as I wrapped my arms around his neck once he made it around the couch to sit next to me. Although I was upset with Andy, he did make me feel better through out the rest of the interview, and I knew surely he and I would get crap for it later.

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