Chapter 2: A strange new world

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I awoke by a sudden nightmare. Almost falling from the high tree, there was the whole nightmare I had lived through. The couple of days I was with the vampires. Then there was a darkness that I could not understand. Was there something in this darkness? Was it a world that I had yet learned to understand. When I travelled through the void, it seemed a world of darkness. A world of nothing, or maybe it was a world of portals and I had chosen the wrong one. I had chosen a portal to a world where vampires existed. I looked around me and found no entrance to the thing they called the void. When I needed it, I couldn't find it. I didn't have a magical object to open this world and I didn't have any way home. All I could do was climb from the tree and continue my path to uncertainty. I was an elf born in the forest and later joined a tribe of other elves. I was there so I could help my people. The very thing I had failed to do. Guilt was going through me.
My whole body shook. The forest wasn't the same as before. Once it was a safe place to me, today everything seemed dangerous. Could dwarves find their way in this tick forest? Would I be able to find other elves? I knew they existed. Where would I be able to find them? And maybe just maybe they knew something of the void I used to travel. Maybe they knew more than 'it eats other worlds'. I thought about my home in fear, maybe my home had devoured by this entity. Maybe there was nothing left and I needed to build my life here. Yet I yearned to return to my parents. I yearned to return to my life.
I yearned to walk in the forests that were so familiar to me. I yearned to learn about more herbs. At the same time I yearned for revenge. It was this moment anger rose in me. Two dwarves were still alive. Two dwarves that were stronger than I was. In no way I would be able to get my revenge. I wouldn't be able to kill them myself.
I had been optimistic once, idealistic even. I had believed dwarves were not bad. I had believed we could live together, work together. Yet I had been proven very wrong. They were mean creatures, dishonest creatures. They were evil creatures who wanted nothing more than killing elves. I forgot to see them as individuals and saw them as a group. Almer had once told me a dwarf had killed her father. I had then seen it as the deed of a single dwarf. That wasn't the case with the attack on my people. It was a group dwarves. A group dwarves that attacked us by surprise. A group of dwarves that couldn't wait until we had lay to rest our fellow elf.

I swore, if I ever got the strength to get my revenge, I would kill those two dwarfs myself. They would knew it was me. They would knew I was taking my revenge on them. They would not be taken by surprise. I would make sure they were ready and then I would kill them. I would drive my dagger through their heart, I would not use poison. They needed to know they were dying. They needed to know it was me doing this.

I pushed the revenge from my heart and searched for herbs. Healing herbs, so my poor body could heal fully. I needed to hunt, even if I hadn't done that before. I needed the heart of a rat and some bone. Just so I could make the potion I needed. I put everything I found in my bag. When I caught a small rat, I used my dagger to remove the heart from its body. I used the bone from the small rat and threw the remains away. I pushed it in my bag with the other herbs. I could make any potion I could make. I didn't know when I would be able to use them. It would be easy if I could make potions that cause an explosion, but I wasn't that handy yet. I had only started the study of herbs 3 years ago. Before I had simple walked around nature, feeling its power. It was possible I could do magic, yet I had never tried it before. If only I had started earlier with potions, maybe I could have done more in that battle.
I started to step through the forest. I made sure that I wouldn't make too much noise. Noise could be dangerous, especially if anyone was in this forest. Any creature could mean me harm, even if they were elves. I hadn't seen any elves in this world yet and even if I was the same kind, I was unsure if they would trust me. Maybe they would even see me as a danger. When I heard a noise I hid behind a tree. Slowly I looked to it, to find another elf standing in front of me. He had pale blond long hair, crystal blue eyes and a pale skin. He stared at me.
"I mean you no harm." The elf said as he stepped closer. "I'm Ionor."
"What's this world?" I screamed. "How is it called?"
"It's called Elfia, while off course." He replied. "Don't you know. Aren't you from this world?"
I didn't know what I needed to answer. I didn't know if I could trust this elf with my life's story. I wasn't sure if I could tell him about the vampires and the journey here. He might know magic. Or any of his towns people might know magic.
"Where are you from?"
"Riverhill" I answered. "In the world Dalares. I ended up..."

"You came her with the void." He replied. "Follow me, I have much to explain to you." 

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