I love you nan 💖
I know your struggling right now
I know you're in pain
I know you want to be home
I know you want to be with family
I know what is going to happen
We don't know when
I don't think I'm ready but I don't want you in pain any more
You are the my nan and I love you
Its was hard seeing you this way
I cried three times unable to hold it in
You've been amazing to me as I grew up
I wish I can be with you ring now
In each other's arms hugging
I don't know if you know but I gave you a kiss on the forehead and told you I loved you twice
I don't want you in pain anymore but I don't want you gone
I love you so much that I can't express it
I'm crying as I write this
It's hard for me
You're my gorgeous, beautiful cheeky nan
I love you endlessly
Thank you for everything you have done
Random book
RandomJust to keep you all updated on authors notes and that with random tags and questions.