Chapter 13

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Joeli's P.O.V

*1 week later*

Today is tour day! I haven't seen Grayson since last week if you're wondering but I have spoken to him a lot. The reason we haven't met up is because of the planning for tour, it's been hectic. But I'm so excited for today because I finally get to go on tour with my brother. I have been to see the odd show but I've never actually been on tour with him.

"JJ are you nearly ready?" I hear Jack shout. As we've all been getting prepared for tour we've all stayed at our own homes, so right now there is only Jack and I.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back. I love going on planes and I love airports. The first stop for tour is Scotland! I've never been to Scotland before so I'm pretty excited.

*Skip to the airport*

I am a lot more organised than my brother when it comes to stuff like this so we're the first ones here. Knowing that I am the most organised I am in charge of the tickets. If I didn't have them all then I'm sure someone would forget and they'd be left behind hahaha.

"Gilinsky is here." My brother cheered. The dream team is back together.

They bro-hugged on his arrival and then he hugged me also.

"You alright Little JJ? Not being a fusspot today?" He asked with a wink.

"I'm good and when am I ever a 'fusspot'?" I laughed. When I've been on holiday with the boys I usually start fussing because they make us nearly miss the plane every single time. Then they claim that they had loads of time, they won't be saying then when it leaves without them. My comment made him laugh because if anyone knows what I'm like then Gilinsky does.

After about 10 minutes everyone was finally here, surprisingly.

"Joey, you do have my ticket, right? I couldn't find it and then vaguely remembered you having it." Sammy asked.

"No, I don't have it. Everyone was looking after their own." I said seriously, trying to worry him. It clearly worked because the look of worry shot across his face and sent me into hysterics.

From my reaction he realised that I did have it and breathed a very loud sigh of relief.

"Little Joey, don't do that to me." He laughed.

"Aw your face was priceless!" I laughed as he pouted.


Grayson has been with me the whole time but now he's causing trouble with the rest of the boys. I keep looking over at them all and laughing at how funny they are but tiredness is slowly overtaking me considering I woke up at 5am to make sure we had everything packed and ready.

"What's up buttercup?" Nate asked, another one of my many nicknames.

"Nothing, just tired." I smiled.

"I'm going getting a drink, you coming?" He asked which made me nod.

"Me and Little JJ are going getting a drink!" He announced to the boys who weren't listening and would probably not even realise we left.

"So how excited are you to see me perform again? You know how much you love to see me perform." He asked with a cocky expression.

"Oh so excited." I giggled. I love Nate, he can always cheer me up.

"Jack is so excited to have you here. We all are." He told me.

"I'm so excited to be with you all. I love watching Jack in his element." I hugged him from the side.

"I already know he won't be able to wipe the smile off his face! What's going on with you and Grayson anyway?" He smiled cheekily.

"He asked me on a date and we talk all the time. We haven't had the date yet though, this week has been chaos with sorting everything out." I told him.

"Oh I'm sure you'll have it soon. You've had a crazy week making sure that we're all ready." He laughed, by this time we were back with the group.

"Sis, who's sat by who?" My brother asked. I got the tickets and set them out.

"So it's in seats of 3:

Jack J & Jack G & Sammy

Dillon & Nate & Ethan

And then there's a 2 which is Grayson and I." I told them all.

"I thought it was my turn to fly next to you." Nate pouted. I smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry darling, I'll sort it so that we're together next time." I smiled.

"Sweet." Nate grinned.

Grayson's P.O.V

I'm so happy to be sat with Joeli. I have a plan for a date whilst we're on tour and I really hope that she enjoys it. I hate the fact that I haven't seen her this week and I hope she doesn't think I've been avoiding her because I really haven't. I've just been really busy. Ethan and Johnson have helped me a lot with planning the date because I want it to be perfect. I looked over to her and grinned at her to show my excitement to be sitting with her. Once she looked away I still lowkey looked at her, she's just so beautiful.

"You might as well take a picture of her." Ethan muttered to me. He's right. All I do is look at her.

"Shut up Ethan. You don't understand." I muttered.

"You're like a lovesick puppy." He laughed.

"Shut up." I whined. "She's the first girl I've ever properly liked, I didn't even truly like Carly." I told him.

"Good because she was a bitch." He then pushed me, "Go talk to her."

I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, wow I'm so awkward.

She turned around, "Hey." I pulled her into a hug which she accepted.

"I missed seeing you this week." I told her which made her smile.

"Who wouldn't miss me?" She laughed, "I'm joking, I missed you too."

"Are you ready for the aeroplane fun? Because it's gonna get crazy." I laughed which made her laugh too.

"Oh I am. We have to play a couple of pranks." She exclaimed which made me like her even more.

"Who knew you could come up with such an amazing ideas." I smirked.

"Hey, I'm full of amazing ideas!" She exclaimed.

"Come on love birds, our flight has been called." Nate told us which made her blush.

"Come on travelling buddy." I exclaimed giddily.

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