Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ash walked over to cubicle and slowly opened the curtain to reveal, Zoe curled up on the bed with Olivia in her arms and Nick sat on the bed next to them with an arm round Zoe.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr Jordan, Tom has asked for you, they're in RESUS." Ash told Nick, keeping as calm as possible. "Your good with her you know." Ash told Zoe and Zoe thanked him

"Zo, I'll just go and see Sam and Tom and then I will come and be with you okay?" Nick told Zoe what he was doing.

"Yea, okay. Make sure the girls are alright." Zoe told Nick and he nodded and kissed her forehead before he left the cubicle, all sorts was going through his head as he quickly made his way towards RESUS. As he reached the doors he froze, Emily was no longer in RESUS and he could only see Tom, where had Sam gone? He got his act together and pushed open the doors. Tom turned round cradling Sam in his arms.

"Tom, what's going on?" Nick asked.

"Umm, well. Em has just gone into theatre with internal bleeding." Tom told Nick, tears building up in his eyes. This was one of the bad things about being a parent and a doctor; you know all the risks, possible outcomes, infections that can be caught later on.

"Okay, what about Lex, I thought that was why Jamie got you two?" Nick asked, hoping the news wasn't any worse than Emily's.

"Umm, yea. Lex has a pneumothorax, caused by a punctured lung. She is going into theatre soon. Have you heard anything about Jamie?" Tom asked, he hadn't heard anything about his son since he left him himself.

"Okay, no sorry I haven't heard anything Tom, but everything will be okay in the end." Nick reassured Tom and Sam started crying even more.

"Sam, what's wrong? Is it something I have said?" Tom asked confused as to why she suddenly started crying even more. She shook her head. "Do you want me to put you down?"

"No, please don't!" Sam told him desperately.

"It's okay, I won't let you go, don't worry baby." Tom reassured her. "Please tell me why you are more upset than you were a couple of minutes ago." Tom pleaded.

"It's like 26th April 1987 all over again." Sam cried. Nick instantly knew what she was talking about; he had that date embedded in his mind ever since the day she died.

"Sammy, listen to me that is not going to happen to the girls. I promise you." Nick told his daughter, promising her it wouldn't happen again.

"But daddy you don't know that!" Sam told him, tears streaming down her face.

"Look, Tom why don't you sit down?" Nick suggested.

"I'm not letting her go." Tom told Nick, being protective over his wife.

"That's fine, but I'm sure your back is starting to hurt by now." Nick told Tom and Tom nodded and walked over to the chair and placed Sam securely in his lap.

"Okay, look sweetheart; I'm sorry, I shouldn't have promised you that the girls would be alright. But I am sure, with the injuries they have present now, they will have a good recovery. Everyone here is able to treat them and we all know they are common injuries." Nick told Sam.

"Okay, thanks Daddy." Sam thanked her father but kept crying.

"What's this all about? I'm a bit lost." Tom asked, he had no idea why Sam was so upset and what happened on the 26th April 1987?

Nick mouthed "Her mother died." That was all he needed to say and Tom instantly knew why she was so upset, he must have said the same thing 26 years ago. Fletch popped his head round the door.

"Tom, can I have a quick word with you?" Fletch asked.

"Umm, okay. Nick can you take Sam?" Tom asked Nick.

"Of course Tom." Nick told Tom and Tom thanked him and passed Sam over to Nick and she sobbed into his chest. Tom walked out of RESUS.

"It's weird you not getting your head chopped off for calling Mr Jordan, Nick." Fletch stated when Tom came over to him.

"Yeah. What did you want me for?" Tom asked, a little impatiently.

"Yeah, sorry. Paeds called down and said they are ready to discharge Jamie, all is normal." Fletch said finally giving the family some good news.

"Thanks Fletch, I will just tell Sam and Nick and then I will go and pick him up." Tom told Fletch.

"No problem mate. How are you coping?" Fletch asked, concerned.

"Umm, suppose as good as I can really. Sam has broken down, but that's just memories. Nick is trying to calm her down, we just need some good news from theatre." Tom told Fletch.

"Theatre?" Fletch asked, confused.

"Yeah, Em's in there now with internal bleeding and as soon as she is out Lex is going to go in, pneumothorax." Tom explained to Fletch.

"I'm sorry mate. Hope everything turns out alright in the end. I've got to go now, but I will see you around. And don't hesitate to ask if you need to talk." Fletch excused himself and Tom thanked him before walking back into RESUS. He wandered over to where she was, sat down and put an arm round her. She pushed it off.

"What's wrong babe?" Tom asked, confused.

"She is blaming herself." Nick answered for her.

"Oh, babie. It isn't your fault. Why would you think that?" Tom asked, why would she think she was to blame for the crash?

"Cause we were in a rush cause of me! It's all my fault and when mum died." Sam told them, upset.

"Sammy, listen to me. We both know that you were not to blame for your mother's death. I thought we had moved on from then, you need to stop blaming yourself otherwise you will be back to how you were when you were 13. To be honest, I don't think I could go through with that myself, let alone you." Nick explained.

"Look, Sam. I was not rushing, okay. I knew we were going to be late, but what's the point breaking speed limit, hey? Today was not your fault. If it was any one of us that was to blame it would be mine because I was driving, but I'm not blaming myself cause I know I did nothing wrong and it was that idiot who went into the back of us. There is no point blaming yourself, what's done is done." Tom reassured her.

"Okay, but I can't stop and I'm scared it's going to start again." Sam told them.

"I'm sure with a little help it won't happen again, and even if it does, you have so many people to help you through this." Nick explained to Sam calmly.

"Okay, thanks." Sam thanked them, calming down slightly.

"Now, who wants to pick Liv up and get Jamie from Paeds?" Tom asked, knowing she would say yes.

"Really?" Sam asked, not believing Tom.

"Of course, I wouldn't tease you about something like this, would I?" Tom told Sam.

"Suppose not." Sam answered Tom.

"You go off and get Liv and Jamie; I will try and find you something to sit on!" Nick told them.

"Okay, thanks daddy." Sam thanked Nick, she had cheered up a bit knowing that Jamie and Olivia were going to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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