Chapter 1

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We all sat in the car in silence. Nobody talked. Liam had his hands gripped a bit too tightly, so that his knuckles were white against the black leather of the steering wheel. Every few seconds I glanced out the window to see if fans were following us, though I don't know how they would be, for we got a new car so that they couldn't recognize us.

"What's the name of the motel?" Harry asked, breaking the long silence.

"Motel Paradise." Liam said, his hard gaze never leaving the. dark, black road.

"How many people know about it?" Zayn asked. Let me tell you what's been going on; we've been driven out of three hotels because of fans, and we're trying to find a hotel that no one knows about so we can finally have some peace.

"Nope. It's on the brink of closing." Liam said in the same hard tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Liam, lighten up. We can't all sit here and be angry 24/7." I cried.

"Yes we can." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes again and slumped against the window. I stared glumly out of it again. I watched as the brightly lit city slowly faded into a few houses here and there, into nothing. There was just empty fields and boring nothing. After a few minutes of the ugly scenery, Liam pulled up a gravel road. We all began bumping our heads off the windows, ceiling, and each other. "Sorry, guys!" Liam said as he jumped about in his seat.

"I'm starting to lose my five-star lunch!" Zayn moaned as his head bounced off the ceiling.

Liam came to a stop in front of a dirty, musty, dark looking motel. "Here we are!" Liam announced, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Are the fans an option, still?" Niall asked weakly.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Guys, don't be such babies. This place is secluded, and no one knows about it. It's perfect! And the rooms aren't that bad. They looked decent on my iphone." Liam said with weak hope.

I rolled my eyes. "This place looks like it could be as old as my grandparents." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Liam grinned at me. "It's probably older. This place is more than two hundred years old." He said proudly.

"And that's a good thing how...?" Harry asked.

Liam rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Just suck it up and live on. We're only going to be here for two days. You'll live, I promise." He said, and he pulled his luggage out of the car. Zayn followed his lead, and I grabbed my luggage, and soon Harry did, and then Niall. We all began walking towards the front of it.

Niall came to a stop when we all walked up to the front door. "I have a bad feeling about this. This place doesn't seem right. Something's wrong, I know it." He said, dropping his luggage.

"It's just old. It looks a bit creepy, but I promise, it's a kid-friendly place." Liam said reassuringly.

Niall shook his head. "No, something just seems off." He muttered.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and a guy with an old bell-boy uniform came stepped out. "We've been expecting you." He said. His voice sounded off. It droned on. It sounded fake.

Liam didn't seem startled by the sudden grand appearence of this guy. Instead, he just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I called a few days ago. We're taking-"

"Two rooms, yes, I know." The guy droned.

Liam's smile dropped a bit. "Can we come in?" Liam asked a bit awkwardly. The guy turned and began walking away. Liam slowly began following him, and soon we all were following the strange worker. We walked up the steps onto the third floor.

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