Tickets Please

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(A/N: sorry just figured out its Gray not Grey :/ ...I think XP)

Juvia's POV

We finally finished hanging the posters.

My mind kept reverting back to him shirtless. Seriously, fuck him and his stupidly godlike features. "You're drooling." Gray pointed out. He just has to go and point out everything I do. He is the MOST infuriating person I have EVER encountered in my entire stupid life! I huffed. "I guess the road is just giving me the hots." He smirked. "Aww, is Juvie thinking about me?" I rolled my eyes, he was dead on. "I'd rather be hit by a wrecking ball with Miley Cyrus naked on it than to think about your, what do you call them? I guess you say abs, meh...I call 'em flabs. I've seen better." I retorted with a smirk of my own. (A/N: sorry to interrupt but does anyone know where that line is from. It's not original so I was just curious.)

He scrunched up his face. "Ooo, wow Juvie, I'm hurt horrifically! I'm emotionally unstable from now on! How could you?!" He looked away from me in pure shame. "I swear you frozen dildo, if you don't shut up you're losing a finger." He chuckled. "If I was you'd use me too much, that is if I was perhaps a frozen dildo." He winked at me and I nearly wanted to scrape out my eyeballs with an ice cube just from thinking about the repulsive seen he just created in my mind. "Great, now I need to stop by the Catholic Church that's a few miles away." I said abruptly. I seemed to have confused him, I smirked. "Why?" Great question my friend, scratch that, my sworn enemy. "Because I need holy water to cleanse me from your impurity." He rolled his eyes.

"Dramatic much?" He huffed out. I scoffed at him. No I just have a way of expressing how I feel in an excessive amount. Dumbass.

"Can you stop being Elsa for 30 seconds so we can leave." He shrugged. "If I'm Elsa then your Hans." I gasped. "Hans?! I'm not a man!" He smirked. "You may need to check your genitals." I grabbed him by the ear. "We're leaving now."

Stupid ass, rude ass, mother-

My sweet way of thinking was interrupted when Gray opened the door for me. "What's wrong with you?" I asked cautiously. "You've got 10 seconds." He stated. I rolled my eyes and climbed into the driver seat. Whatever, I guess that was kinda sweet.

He got in shortly after me, and noticed I was deep in thought. "Don't think to much into it, you'll get a headache." I huffed. "Back to being a Popsicle dick." He snorted. "That's a new one." I shrugged. "I guess so."

|||||||||Time Skip|||||||||

"Hey Juvie! Get in here and help me!" I slumped in my seat and whined. "But Gray..." I yawned. "Five more minutes..." I trailed back into snoozing.

I was woken up by a piece of ice sliding down my bra. I glared at the culprit. "There are two things you never ever do to me. 1. Take my food and 2. WAKE ME UP WHEN I'M SLEEPING! YOUR DEAD ICE PRINCESS!" I screamed as he ran away from me. I grabbed the meter stick. "COME 'ERE!" I screamed again.

He grabbed me by the shoulders. "Good, now that your up..." He  peeked out the window from the staff room. "Umm...there's a male customer, and I think you'd be more appealing to him." I blushed with anger. "Excuse me-" he covered my mouth to prevent me from yelling. I swatted his hand away. "Whatever, I'll do it, but not for you. I'm doing this to pay my rent." He smirked. "Uh-huh...whatever floats your boat." I rolled my eyes.

I stepped out of the staff room and into the small clothes shop. "What can I help you with sir?" I asked with a warm smile. The man was very handsome, he had pink hair and a warm smile. The kind of smile ever girl swoons over. Beside him stood an annoyed looking blonde girl. They looked about our age.

"Don't bother talking to him, he's like a child. We're looking for formal attire. Not anything super nice-just nice enough." I nodded. "What's your price range?" She shrugged. "We don't have one."

I smiled. "Perfect, and what's your size umm..." She came close and whispered in my ear. "Double D please." My eyes shot open wide. DAMMMMMN!

"Ok, and extra small or..." She giggled. "No a medium." I nodded. "Okay, I'll be out shortly."

I walked into the back room and saw a pink, gold, and a silver dress that would look astonishing on her figure.

I handed her the clothes.

She ended up buying the pink one and the male beside her asked for a matching tie.

Me and Lucy, was the girls name, she told me, ended up talking and she said she had two extra tickets if I wanted to go. I accepted them and shrugged. I'm so lonely, I have no one to go with. I sighed. Oh well.


AND DONE! Hope y'all liked it :) Guys...
During the week it's hard to upload on a daily basis so if I don't I'm sorry :)

Don't forget to----> 🌟👁✍


Love u guys! Keep putting up with my bullshit. Don't forget to smile 😸😸😸

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