The brighter future (part 2)

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Your pov:

My grades improved over the course of the years and I managed to keep my school on the top of the list. I'm pretty sure if you say my name in front of the public, very few would know me. But if you mention my name in the school, the whole school would know me. They made it a crucial part of the history curriculum to teach them about it. It was an invasion of privacy but I've learnt to deal with it. The school had a strict but amazing teaching technique. Despite my low standards, I've worked my way up the school's social ladder. What's next? That I don't know.

Right now, I'm being dragged away from my beloved Travis only to be put on the air. I signed. The man seemed so rushed. I knew the headlines now.

I was snapped back to reality by the producer. What was his name again??? Mr. Paine? Producer mike? Oh yeah it was Director Henry Troy.

I followed him into the recording studio. My surroundings were quite familiar with only a few things out of place like the boy in the recording room.

"Y/n this way please." A women gestured. I followed and sat in the seat next to the male counterpart.

"What may your name be? I can't say I recognize you from the list of pretty girls o was given." He said with a flirty tone.

"Name's Y/n, y/n l/n." I replied with little to no emotion. He nodded and we sat in silence.

We were both given music sheets for reference. He looked smug as if he had done this a million times. I glanced down at the music sheet and find the same song I sang as a child. His song brought back memories of when I would be alone in the dark allies of night. I turned slightly pale at the thoughts coursing through my mind at an incredible rate. I couldn't help but whimper as the music started.

-play song at top-

-why don u play it??-

-PLAY IT!!!!!-

-whatever, I give up.- (the words are in the music video. It's a good duet so please like it. Feel free to sing along.)

-sings "sad song"-

The song ended and they look at me in surprise. I didn't even take a glance at the music sheets which were on the floor. They lead me out of the room to wait for it. I signed as I leaned on the wall.

The producer came out moments later to hand me a disk. I figured it held the song. I took it on in it was a dedication.
It said:
To y/n
You done an amazing job and we thank your for filling in the place. I have talked to the others and they say it is unacceptable for you to perform your part of the duet since you are no longer a student. This cd holds the song that you have sang today. As you can tell, I am extremely disappointed that I wouldn't be able to work with you and your amazing voice. I hope you can stop by my office tomorrow afternoon. There are some things I want to talk to you about. I hope you don't take this to heart.

Sincerely, director Henry Troy.

I looked up at the women who gave me this. She gave me an apologetic look and walked back into the recording room. I signed and walk out the place. I called a cab and rode back home. I found Travis sitting on my front door step, ready to embrace me in a hug.

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