He's Meeting His Daughter

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We sat like that for a long while. I sat there admiring the beautiful creation on my chest, I couldn't help but think that maybe this happened for a reason. She was meant to be here, a part of me hated seeing her like this. so small, fragile and helpless. I promised her I was going to protect her. yes, it may seem really too soon for me to do that but I love her and immediately fell in love with her. I was brought out of my thoughts when my mom spoke.

"Kristen, Robs here"

I smiled. "Good"

"I'll go and get him ok."

"Ok we will be here" I giggled

My mom left and I shifted the baby a little bit. she stirred slightly but went back to sleep. the nurse came in checking her numbers and then turned to me

"She's doing really good. her numbers have not gone down at all. if she keeps this up we might be able to get her off the vent by tomorrow."

"That will be great."

The nurse left and ran my hand over the baby's head and started talking to her. "Hi, baby.I already love you so much. everything is going to be alright. I'm always going to protect you, no matter what happens I want you to know that I love you and am trying to stay strong for you but it hurts seeing you like this" I whispered to her as I kissed her. just then the door open and rob came in.

I smiled. "Hi" I whispered

"Hey," he smiled. "How are you guys."

"I'm good and she's asleep."

"I was so worried about you and then both of you."

"I was worried too. even more when I found out about her."

"So what's her medical issues?"

"Well, pretty much the usual for preemies. low weight, Apnea. the next few days will be critical but its all up to her. the nurse was just here right before you came in and said she might get off the breathing tube as early as tomorrow. she's doing really good and her numbers are great."

"Thats great. I was terrified when your mom called me."

"I was terrified when my mom told me her condition and stuff. I know I should have been more concerned about my health but, I wasn't even a priority at that point."

He giggled. "yes, I understand what you mean. you're already acting like a mother."

"I guess yeah. Do you want to hold her?"


I giggled at his nervousness. "Don't worry I was the same way but now it feels natural"

"Sure ill give it a shot."

I carefully shifted her into my arms and sat up as Rob put his arms under mine and I laid her in his arms. I sat back watching Rob hold his daughter for the first time. seeing him smiling and I knew that there had to be a reason for her being here. after about 10 minutes the baby started to squirm around in his arms and I could tell she was crying. I signaled for Rob to hand her back to me and he knew what I was saying. he carefully laid her in my arms.

"Shh Ariana, your ok..." I laid back and put her back on my chest like we were. she immediately calmed down and fell back to sleep.

"What did you just call her?" Rob asked me smiling

"Oh well I may have already thought of a name."


"I love it"

"I love it too."

"Good," I whispered while smiling as I kissed him. I let out a yawn, I was exhausted from the day's events but I didn't want to leave my baby. I wanted to stay with her, she looked so helpless and I couldn't stand the thought of leaving her alone.

"are you tired?" Rob asked me


"why don't you go back to your room and get some sleep?"

I shook my head. "I can't leave her," I whispered

"she will be ok Kristen. you want me to stay here with her?"

"Would you?"

"yes of course. let me get the nurse so we can get you guys situated."


Rob left to get the nurse. and I sat there stroking Ariana's back. "Mommy's going to go get some sleep. I promise you I will be back ok? I love you, I don't want to leave you but I have to. Daddy's going to stay with you." just then Rob came back in with the nurse right behind him

"Are You going to get some sleep?" the nurse asked me

"I guess so," I giggled.

she came over and carefully took Ariana from me and laid her back in the isolate. Rob helped me slowly stand up. I went and kissed Ariana before the nurse took me back to my room. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I Didn't Know- A Kristen Stewart StoryWhere stories live. Discover now