Telling his Mother

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His mom answered after the second ring


"Hey mom"

"Hey kids! how are you guys?"

"Pretty good" Kristen replied

"what have you guys been up too?"

"actually a lot lately" I said

"we actually want to introduce you to someone" I said

Kristen Adjusted Ariana in her arms and I switched camera views. to say my mom was shocked might have been an understatement

"Who’s baby is that?" My mom asked

"Ours." Kristen and I both said together

"how? when? what?"

we both just laughed

"Well for the how...I don’t think I need to explain to you how she came to be. for the when, yesterday morning."

"oh my god... Kristen you guys didn’t say anything about you being pregnant!"

"I can assure you Claire we would have but there was one small issue with that" Kristen said

"And what’s that dear?"

"We didn’t know" Kristen replied

"you didn’t?"

"Nope. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was in labor."

"Wow. so are you guys home now?"

"Nope Ariana has to stay in the NICU for a little while but she’s getting stronger all the time. Shes making remarkable progress.  were with her now."

"That’s great. I'm so happy for you guys!"

We talked to my mom for a little while longer until Ariana needed a diaper change. we got off the phone with my mom and Kristen got up laying the baby in the bed while she changed her.. talking to her as she did. I couldn’t help but smile. watching my girlfriend with our daughter and never knew she had this side to her. I watched her as she picked Ariana up, laying her against her chest and checking the cords before sitting back in the chair with her. The rest of the day pretty much went by fast, Ariana tolerated all her feeds and was to get the feeding tube out tomorrow. it was getting late by this point. it was 8pm


It was 8pm and the nurse said that visiting hours were over, I had been discharged so that meant I was free to go home. which was painful for me and made me not want to hand my baby over. I leaned up while Rob kissed her and said goodnight to her and then I did the same before handing my girl over to the nurse. Ariana let out a whimper of protest when she didn’t feel my body heat anymore. I stood up wiping the tears from my eyes. I walked over to her and gave her one final kiss. "I love you Ariana, we will be back in the morning." my voice cracked as I told her that. I followed Rob out and soon we were home.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said as I took my pony tail out

"Sounds good. are you ok?"

"Yeah I just haven’t showered since the day I had Ariana."

"Kristen, you know that’s not what i mean."

"I'm fine Rob. I will admit it was hard leaving her there. I just feel like as her mother I should be with her. not leaving her with strangers even if they have medical degrees."

"She will be fine. and trust me it wasn’t easy for me either. but we will have her here with us soon ok?"

"Yeah. im going to go shower now."

He giggled. "ok. ill be here."

I went and showered and then Rob and I went through some stores online looking at stuff for Ariana. we were not prepared at all for a baby. Rob and I agreed that as hard as it will be we were leaving Ariana early so we could do some shopping tomorrow. I was getting tired so I shut the laptop down and curled up in bed with rob as he pulled me close to him as we both drifted off to sleep.


Rob decided to just let me be with Ariana this morning while he did the shopping. which I was ok with. I could hear Ariana crying as I scrubbed up outside her room. I went inside where a nurse was changing her. I walked over and took her hand into mine. "shh baby your ok, mommy’s here now". I smiled at her.

"She’s been fussy this morning. we think she just missed you."

"Probably," I smiled

The nurse picked her up and handed her over to me. I curled up in the chair with her resting her head against my shoulder. She calmed down right away and fell asleep.

After a few minutes the nurse came back in and said we could disconnect her from everything except the pulse ox. That was proof my little girl was going to be ok. I held her while the nurse took her off the heart monitor, disconnected her iv and took the feeding tube out. Ariana was not a huge fan of the feeding tube being taken out. The nurse had already said it causes a tiny bit of pain and it feels weird being taken out so she was going to cry. As sure enough she did. It broke my heart hearing her cry like that. After the nurse was done I shifted Ariana so she was laying up against my chest. "Shh sweetie. Its over now. Your ok." I said to her as I rocked her. Her cries quieted down into whimpers. She laid there looking at me and you could tell she was asking why? And begging me to make them stop. she laid in my arms and we both just stared into each others eyes. I put the foot rest up and laid back a little bit, laying her on my chest. I was so tired. I had only slept about 2 hours the entire night. The nurse came in and got the equipment she didn't need anymore.

"I can tell your tired mom.

I giggled. "Yep didn't sleep good last night. Nerves I guess."

"Yes. It's hard leaving your baby in these places"

"Yes definitely."

"You can take a nap with her if you want."

"Is that safe?"

"We can make it safe."

"Ok I would love that."

The nurse went and got two pillows out of the cabinet. One was for me and the other went under Ariana and my arm for support. She then went and grabbed a blanket and spread it on me. She smiled as she left the room. I shifted my body more so that she was snuggled up against me. And then we slowly fell asleep together.

2 hours later


I've been trying to call Kristen and have had no luck. It rings until voicemail. I'm sort of worried. I got the shopping done and headed to the hospital. When I got to there room there was a sign on her door.

Please be quiet. Patient sleeping.

What they forgot to mention was both parent and patient were sleeping. I slowly walked into there room. My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Seeing Kristen curled up in the chair with Ariana snuggled against her. They were both asleep. I took a few pictures and sent them to Jules and then headed down to the cafeteria

I Didn't Know- A Kristen Stewart StoryWhere stories live. Discover now