Making Arrangements

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Two days later

Mortifer's P.O.V.

   "Alright everyone. I called you all in here so that we could settle some matters regarding Eleven."
   I met all of the adults' gazes trying to gauge their moods and thoughts. Well, I guess I could just reach into their minds to figure it out, but that seemed a little impolite.
   Joyce and Hopper sat next to each other. The three other families' parents sat respectfully as well.
   "What matters?" Hopper asks with a hint of suspicion to which I address with one of my bright smiles.
   "Where she lives of course." I start. "And with whom. So first off who is willing?"
   I am greeted to a near simultaneous round of 'we ares' and 'I am's.'
   Gotta admit, I didn't expect that.
   "Why?" I question.
   Karen Wheeler speaks up. "She saved all our little boys, we owe this to her." Everyone nods in agreement to this.
   I'm stare for a couple seconds with surprise plain on my features, and then recompose myself.
   "Alright then. Who are the closest ones to her?"
   After a brief discussion they settle on the Wheelers, because of their son, Joyce and Hopper.
   "Who is financially able, and most likely to provide a healthy environment for her to grow up?"
   I see Hopper look down. I've seen that look a thousand times before. The look you got when you believed yourself to be unworthy.
   Joyce looked like she wanted to speak but didn't. I had already estimated her family's financial strength and come to to find it less than adequate. Not that money is everything, but if a more suitable candidate was ready to step up...
   Ted and Karin Wheeler's gazes were  directed right at me, confirming what I had already guessed.
   Ted had come around to the entire situation once I showed him, in secret, Eleven's past via psychic link. Now he was quite disillusioned but, in my opinion, he was all the better for it.
   "It is decided then." I speak. "You Wheelers shall bring her up the way she always should have been with all the love and guidance your family can muster. Are we all in agreement?"  There are several 'yes's' and grunts of affirmation.
   I smile wider now. "Good. I will aid you as much as I can with such endeavors. You all will have nothing to fear for the next eight or ten years."
   It was their turn to stare at me in surprise.
   "Thank you Mortifer." Joyce said slowly. "But if you don't mind me asking for all of us," she gestures around, "what happens in the next eight or ten years?"
   My smile disappears, replaced by an expression of solemnity. Everyone notices and I can see nervousness starting to form in their minds. I want to calm them but can't think of how to without lying.
   "Before this last venture into the Upside-down..."
   "Which you didn't have the good grace to tell us was taking place." Hopper cut in. "With two of the boys I might add."
   I look him straight in the eyes and wait a couple seconds before saying.
   "Would you have let it happen otherwise?"
   "Not the same way. A few of us could have come with them for support. Guns and all."
   I sigh. "Exactly. You would have wanted to take on the primary role, when in this case I could only help if Mike was the one spearheading the whole endeavor."
   "Why?" He asks obviously confused and irritated.
   "Because those are the rules."
   "What rules?"
   "I may not interfere with such a destiny or binding. Mike and El made a promise to each other before she last disappeared and when kids make promises there is no breaking them. This combined with their fledging bond which will one day mature into something else entirely made it obvious. It is their destinies to continuously save each other."
   Everyone was silent, again not knowing what to say to something like that. I take a deep breath and continue with the previous subject.
   "As I was saying before," I continue, "before this last venture to the Upside-down, the dimension was indeed dangerous as well as toxic, but without any sense of coordination or semblance of focused aggression."
   I pause, considering whether or not to withhold any information but decide against it.
   "This will soon no longer be the case." I state.
   "Wh-what?" Joyce stutters as everyone else stares at me with wide eyes.
   "An Old One, or rather, a hyper powerful being has taken up residence in the Upside-down, and it won't be long before it starts shaping the very dimension along with its inhabitants to its will."
   I shrug. "Not really sure. I don't tend to try and bend things to my will so I couldn't tell ya."
   "Can you kill it?" Hopper spoke up causing everyone to stare back and forth between us with inquiring expressions. "If we help you, can you kill it?"
   I mull over this in my head for a good few moments.
   "Maybe. But I will not seek a final conclusion until said years pass."
   "Destiny. Redemption."
   "For who?"
   "Those who are lost right now."
   "Could you be less cryptic?"
   "Not today." I smirk. "The Old One will develop champions as time goes on. I will need some of my own once the time expires."
   "We could help with that." Joyce suggests. Everyone looks at her incredulously. "What? Wouldn't it be a plus to be able to defend our kids?"
   Everyone seemed to begrudgingly agree with Karin saying, "Fair enough."
   "Thank you." I pause before going on knowing what I have to say next may be ill received. "But I am afraid you all will not be enough. I will have to train the teens and pre-teens so that they may also have a part in defending themselves."
   "What?" Karin asks with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
   I swallow knowing it is barely ever wise to rouse a mother's anger. "Think of it as self defense training taken to a new level. If they are not willing I will not press the matter. I will also wait at least two years before so much as bringing it up. They will still have time to be kids."
   After a long silence Hopper spoke up again. "Maybe we should put this subject on hold for a later time."
   Grateful for the out provided, I smile. "A sound idea indeed. Unto the last subject for today. Please remain here in this building for another two days so I can ensure the safety of your families."
   "Okay. But how do you intend to do that?" Karin asked.
   A feral grin comes to me, causing a multitude of raised eyebrows.
   "One way or another."

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