Chap 6-Soccer Hurts

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--Grayson's POV--
Me and Ethan were getting ready with our family to go to Karen's soccer game. Ever since we met in 5th grade we've been going to everyone of her games when she started in 6th grade. Amazingly her team wins every game and she has so many medals and trophies.

"Yo come on we are waiting for you" Ethan came in my room. Ever since yesterday happened I didn't tell Jess or Ethan about it. I'm going to prove to Karen that I am not lying and I am changing. Then I will tell them

"Let's go"

--Karen's POV--
"Alright girls you know the drill" our soccer coach told us "in my hand right here I have the name for the team captain" I was freaking out I want to be captain so bad

"And this years captain is Karen!" I screamed and hugged my coach "now Karen a word for your team mates. I climbed on top of the bench in the locker room

"So I'm going to lay this straight out. We are going to win. This year will change everything! We are going to make it to the end with our heads held high get it!" Everyone hollered "I can't hear you!" They hollered louder.

"1,2,3 Cheetahs!" We all screamed and ran out of the locker room banging on the lockers. The benches were all filled and I could see my parents sitting on a row with the Dolan family and jesses family. Grayson winked at me and I smiled at him. God the things he puts me through. The band was playing and then the cheersluts came out. Jess was one of them but she wasn't a slut.

"Go Jess" they screamed. After the thirty minutes of "entertainment" we got let out onto the field. In the game I play as a center forward/striker. Let's just say I was beyond ready.

They went over everything and the game started. Our team had the ball. The other team was good but not as good as my team. My team has been the same girls ever since 6th grade it's funny how we all ended up going to the same high school. But we did get another player her name is Sara. She's pretty good but eh we had better. I started dribbling the ball then passed to my team mate. I ran across the field and signaled to my mate that I was free she passed the ball and I made the first goal. After the first half was over our team had 5 to 3. Us in the lead. We took our lap around the field. As I passed by my family and friends I could see Grayson staring at me. So I decided to run faster. I was in front and going my fastest. We finished and had 15 minutes for the intermission.

The game was back on and we started again. I ended up shooting most of the goals considering that was my job as the striker. We had a minute left and we were 9-8. The ball was at my feet. I was dribbling the it as I ran through the girls. The whole field was quiet waiting for my next move. I kicked the ball in the air and kicked it hard landing it into goal. The whole field erupt with cheering. The girls jumped onto me hugging me and congratulating me. My head started hurting and I got dizzy but I brushed it off. We ran into the locker room.

"Um miss can you give the speech I'm not feeling well" I said squinting my eyes

"Sure go take a seat" through the whole speech I was sitting there. My eyes blurry and my hearing muffled. What the hell was happening. We got let out to our family

"Karen you were great!" Jess ran to me

"T-thanks" I smiled at her

"Karen oh my god sweetie that was AWSOME!" My mom and the rest of my family and friends ran up to me

"You did great" Grayson smiled at me

"Thanks" I smiled back. They all said their thank yous and hugged me then engaged in there conversation as to where we were going out to eat. After five minutes my head ache started getting worse

"Karen what's wrong?" Lisa asked me

"Nothing" I chewed on my lip

"Your lying" they all said at the same time. Am I that bad of a liar

"Yes yes you are" Grayson said. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did" my mom giggled. What the fuck

"Watch your mouth young lady" my dad joked around

"I swear I said all that in my head. Let's go to the doctors mom" I started walking in the opposite direction of the parking lot. Grayson ran after me and turned my shoulders so I would walk in the right direction

"Thanks" I half screamed

"No problem" he whispered chuckling. His laugh!

"What about my laugh"

"Ok I'm going to stop talking and thinking now" I giggled

We finally made it to the hospital. I don't know why everyone else decided to join us but I guess we are going out to eat after.

"So can I know what been going on with you lately Karen?" The doctor asks

"I'm having ringing in my ears, I'm always sleepy, I have a headache, I'm dizzy, and my vision is blurry" I told him

"Well from what I see you may have a concussion" this might not seem serious but it is to a soccer player aka me! I'll have to sit out "now you'll need rest and close monitoring"

"I can watch her at school I have most periods with her anyways" Grayson said

"And I can watch her during the other periods" Ethan added

"That's great and rest? You'll have to stop playing soccer until you get better" no!

"But isn't there any other way?!"

"No I'm sorry. But hey the more you rest the faster you'll get better" he smiled at me

"Ok thanks..." I got up and walked out of the room walking to the car

"Hey it's going to be ok. It's only for a week and you can play again"

"Do you know how much I can miss in a week gray?!" He hugged me

"It's ok. I can help" he winked at me

"And ho-" he cut me off by kissing me. What is this boy doing to me
1088 words
Their so cute! But Karen can't play! No!!!!

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