Part 15: I'm sorry

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This is the last chapter before the epilogue. And this'll be short but let's hit it!
"I'm a monster. This is all my fault."

No your n-"

"Yes I am!" She yells. "If I didn't turn evil, none of this would of happened!"

"No Owlette! It's my fault! If I didn't kiss Firefly in the first place, none of this would of happened!" He walks over and hugs her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for doing this to you! Turning your evil, breaking your heart, backstabbing you and ruining our friendship! It was my biggest mistake and I'm sorry! I ruined everything, I'm the only one to be blamed here! I would of done and acted the same if you did that! So please, don't blame yourself, blame me! Now please forgive me! Forgive me so I can make things right between us and everyone...." He was crying too and Owlette looks at him.

"I forgive you Catboy but don't do that ever again!"

"I won't! I promise!" She smiles as he smiles and they hug. Gekko was smiling at the 2 and joins in the hug. They giggle and smiles as they hug. While that hugged, something amazing happened.... her bandages that covered the wound glowed of pink and started to heal it. They didn't notice but 3 detransformed and slept in there beds.

When Amaya woke up and looks at her wound, it was gone. She gasps surprisingly at it and stretches. She felt no pain so she gets dress for school.

20 mins later
She was at the bus stop waiting for the bus. Amaya spots Connor and Greg talking to each other as they walked to the bus stop. "Hey guys! My wound healed!" They look at here and their jaws dropped, Connor and Greg runs to her. "How! How is your wound healed?!"

"I don't know but I bet it was during last night!"

"Well it doesn't matter! As long as your not hurt, then I don't care." The bus pulls up and they get on.

I told you that it was going to be short! So now, we move on to the epilogue and it's the end! So love ya!❤️😄😜😎

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