The Eldest

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"Hellooo???!!!" Carlos called out. His voice cracking every now and then.

"Dwuz anywun need halp?!" Little Thomas said.

Despite the circumstances, you couldn't help but giggle at your little brother. You were so happy that he was still alive and with you.

You both continued around the abandoned bus, then decided to go inside. It was not as messy as the others that had had been hit by "Them", but it still was pretty bad. Decomposing body smells were all around in the air. It is very upsetting, since your nose is used to it by now.

"Scar! Scarlett!!! I found someone! She's not older though..." Carlos trailed off. Throwing things out of your way, you rush over to your friends brother to see what he found.

"I'm Scarlett, we're the good guys."
You outstretched your hand towards the maybe 4/5 year old. She grabbed it and clung to you.

Carlos walked and grabbed Thomas and sat down next to you and the new girl.

"What's your name?"
You asked quietly, as not to disturb her.


"I'm Scarlett, that's Carlos, and my baby brother Thomas. We're looking for people who need help. Has anyone come by that you can remember?"

She shook her head as a single tear drop rolled down her cheek. You pulled her in for a hug, not knowing what she'd seen, but knowing it had to have scarred her.

The search went on like this. Finding few children. Strangely, only children were found. And you were the oldest. But you're only 15... that's not very old.

As the sun set, and the day met the night, you decided to get back to your camp with the kids collected.

"Okay, everyone listen up, please!" You called for everyone's attention.
"Tomorrow we are going to clean up around here. Since this bus isn't the cleanest, we're cleaning all this dirty yuck off. I don't want any of you getting sick."

Moans and groans, awes and boos, traveled throughout the bus. You were lucky enough to find a decent bus in the middle of a warehouse.

Feeling something tugging on your flannel, you look down to see Lilith.

"Hey, kiddo! What do you need?"
"When are we going to train..?"

Her voice was so delicate and precious. You missed those days. Swinging on the swing, giddily screaming. Now, all you hear are screams of terror, and of course, Them.

"Once we are done cleaning. We need to clean the knives before I let you touch them, okay?"

She nodded her head and waddled along.

~Next Afternoon~

You took the kids and moved them to the surveillance room while you had Lilith. You had taught Carlos how to keep watch and check the different cameras so you could train at the same time.

Why do I have to teach a  freAKING 4 YEAR OLD HOW TO KILL SOMETHING???!!!???

You silently started to cry, but held back most of it. You didn't want them to see you cry. You're supposed to be strong. You HAVE to be strong in this situation.

"Scarlette!!!" You heard Carlos call out, halfway through the training.

"What's wrong, Carlos???" You began to panic, thinking one of Them had found you.

"It's exactly what you're thinking. Your eyes are showing all. They're here!" He looked proud, yet worried.

You let out a big sigh, and squat down to Lilith. "Do you think you can handle this?"

She slowly nodded her head. Building with confidence, she ran over to the surveillance room with her knife glued to her hand.

You had to giggle a little, as you shouted to her "Aye! No running with sharp objects yet!"

Walking towards the surveillance room, you heard a loud crash to your left. You quickly pulled out your gun and motion for Carlos to make the kids duck.

Closer and closer, you thought more about how much you loved those kids and how you'd die for them. This might just be the time for you to go.

You look where the noise came from, and almost shoot.

"STOP!" A girl said. You looked at her. She wasn't attacked, not one scratch.

"How long have you been in here?" Hoping she wasn't outside through this whole breakout.

"I got here two sunrises ago. I saw one of Them and ran to the nearest building. I can't remember anything earlier than that though."

"Are you okay? Did They attack you??" You interrogated her.

She shook her head softly and separated her lips, as if she were going to speak, but closed them and decided against.

"How old are you? You look about my age." You needed another person old enough to be of authority around here.

"Fourteen... how old are you?" She looked worried, as if all hope was lost.

"Fifteen. Have you seen anyone older than me recently?" You didn't want to be the oldest and in charge of about five kids.

She shook her head no. Unfortunately. You didn't know what to do from now on. It looks like you're gonna be stuck as the eldest.

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