My Own Kent McFuller

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•••***TRIGGER WARNING!!!***•••

Everything is falling apart.

It'd be so much easier to just end it all. Things would be better for everyone else.

Jake wouldn't have to worry about dealing with me and he can find other girls. It's not that hard to find girls prettier than me.

My parents have Maizy and James. I'm sure they can turn out better than I ever did. I'm a screw up anyways.

My friends couldn't care less. They like Maizy more than they like me. We don't really talk anymore, and I'm sure they all talk bad about me anyways.

My ex's couldn't give any less shits about me. They all hate me and expect me to be the bitchiest of all. Maybe I am...

What's the least painful way? I'm allergic to peanuts... I could always do something with that. Or maybe just the normal stuff. Something that's not messy. Pills? Or I could just get back into cutting. I miss that feeling...

I just have to get through the school day. Ugh, yay..!

First period is just math. Easy stuff.

Second is forensics; we just took notes today.

Third is guitar, super easy.

Fourth is French; notes again.

Lunch I didn't really eat much. Just the dumpling soup with a fruit cup.

World history was harder than normal; we had to do a bunch of worksheet packets.

Creative writing was the usual story prompts.

Finally, the last period of Friday: Art. Time to relax and draw.

I'm always the earliest to class, considering my creative writing is two classrooms away.

Ms. Jade (she prefers her first name over her last: Gallagher) always lets me pick the music for the rest of the class to listen to. Sometimes I take advantage of this, but most of the time I just ask the first two people who come in after me. Today it was Coldplay. Not a bad choice honestly.

I put both earphones in and float to my own little mind palace. I grab my sketchbook and my pencils from my drawer, and sit in my usual spot.

What should I draw today?
I think to myself.
Maybe something music related? Or I could draw a Blurryface thing??? Yeah! I'll do Blurryface.

Once class is over, I take out an earphone and put all my stuff away. No better way to end my last day. Yes, I'm still going to do that.

"Hey! Scar!!!" Kent stopped me.

"Kent..! Just the person I need right now!" I spit, full of sarcasm.

"Awe wait really.?!" I feel bad, I shouldn't have teased him like that.

"Sorry, I'm just not feeling good today." It's not entirely wrong.

"Can I help make you feel better? Can I get you something to drink or something?" He looked in my eyes, full of hope that he could help.

"...actually... yes, you can help me. I need you to get me a pair of scissors please!" It's all planned out now. It'll all work out. That way my parents won't suspect it. "Just bring it up through our old tree we used." That way he'll just drop it off and crawl back into his room.

*later that night*

*tap tap knock* (that was our secret code)

I rushed to the window to greet him and take the scissors. He bought me some sour gummy worms, he knew they were my favorite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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