Just a phase

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I have the same dream over and over again, I'm standing here in my room then a man comes in with a knifes set and then I'm dead. I know it's not true because I am standing here now with friends.

    My name is Harper clarings and I live with best friends. As  long as I can remember I have always lived in the same house, I'm not totally sure because I only remember my life at age 17. No matter how hard I tried I can't remember my past, it actually bothers me sometimes but then I remember my friends don't either.

My roommates keeth, cat, max and my bff Laura. Keeth is the one that's full of him self and thinks he's better then the rest of us, but still had a good personality. Cat is the sarcastic, emotional type, let's just say she can't watch any sad movies. Max he is probably the nicest out of our group, last but definitely not least Laura, she has always been there for me since the day I met her. Of course that means nothing though seeing how I only have known her for a year but it feels like a decade, also she is the type of person to show no mercy she will tell you straight truth even if you don't want to hear it.

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