Chapter 3

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       I lose myself in the sound of my thoughts and the echo of my skateboard under my feet.   I ride around the campus of my school, killing time.  Last night I couldn’t fall asleep so I just stayed on the roof and watch the night turn day and since I have nothing else better to do I just went boarding.  Jaime told me he would meet me later before school starts.  Why do I waste my time?  Coming to school and going home; I mean they’re both hell.  If I saw I had the slightest chance that I can run away believe me I would. 

      As I ride around the block for the third time I see a bunch of students making their way to the school.  Cars arrive and spirits are high. 

       “Tony!” I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was Jaime, walking to me with that big goofy smile of his.  I don’t know how he can keep that grin, I need to know the secret. 

       “Jaime my man.” I greeted the tall hyperactive boy.

       “How are on this fine lovely day?” asked my friend.

      “Never been better” I said with sarcasm laced in my voice.  Jaime just gave me a sympathetic look, knowing I won’t say any more.  He tries to get me to tell him everything but I just want to spare him the drama.

       “Tony wish you let me help.”

       “I know, but there is nothing much you can do.”

      “You don’t know that.” spoke Jaime. I sighed and made my way towards the school before the bell rings.  Jaime followed behind me quietly without another word knowing after time after time imp not going to run for help. I don’t know wither I’m stupid or stubborn.

     “Jaime, thanks for . . . you know . . . caring. Just have my back okay.” I extend my fist for a reassuring fist pound from my mejor amigo.

       “Always, man.”

      “Good,  now get to class before we're late.” I scold Jaime at Jaime playfully.

      “Yeah, Yeah.”

      I pushed past students as fast as I can to get to my next class.  I need to hurry before Andy and Jeff have their daily “sessions” with me.  Today I decided to go a different way through the court yard to get to class.  This seemed like a good idea until I heard my name in the distance from the angry voice of Andy. Serously!!!!!?????  They always find away to make my life hell.  I take off through the double doors of the school pushing harder with the sound of the steps behind me.  But no life just love to screw me over!

       Again they have their fun of beating and verbally abusing me. Can I stop it? I don’t know, but I decided to do something stupid; fight back.  I threw my back pack and shoved Andy hard against the locker.

      “Oh Perry’s fighting back. Who knew he had the balls.” taunted Jeff.  I turned fast and connected my fist hard with Jeff’s nose.  He fell to the floor with blood gushing from his face. Andy looked at me bewildered and came at me enraged. He pushed me hard against the wall sending pain all through me. 

     “Oh you messed up now Perry!” Screamed Andy as he threw a punch but I managed to dodge and kneed him in the gut.  He doubled over and I took another shot at him but to my dismay he manages to grab my arm.  Next thing I knew I was on the floor protecting myself from the blows till they were done.  Even when I fought back I still lost.  Well at least they know when they mess with me I’m not going to just take it.

      “Hey!!!! What on earth is going on here?” shouted the principle as he ran to break them off of me. Andy and Jeff stopped immediately. “Answer me!”

      “He started it!” yelled Andy.

     “NO!” I screamed as I lifted myself up. “They bully me every day!” The principle looked at the two boys in bewilderment.

     “Is this true?” asked Principle Kale.


      “Is this true? Yes or no!” Still they said nothing. “Fine, I see how it is. You two are suspended for a week. To my office, now.”

       The guys left and I was left alone with Principle Kale.

      “And you, for getting in a fight…”

       “But I was getting beat up!”

       “Listen, I know, but since you did fought back I have to give you some disciplinary action.  Only one day of detection, okay?  I’ll get to the bottom of this, you have my word.”I looked at him and nodded my head.  “Now go to the nurse and head home, you’re dismissed from the rest of today. Just go just some rest.”

      With that he left.  I grabbed my opened bag and stuffed whatever was on the floor, not really paying attention to what made it to my bag. I left the school, not even bothering going to the nurse.  Everything hurt; my head, back, but one thing felt good.  Finally I stood up to those ass holes!  When I got home I headed straight to my room and drifted off to sleep.

Hours later I woke up soar with pain rushing through my veins.  Crap. It was night and I suspected late because I can hear the echo of my dad’s snores through the walls. I get up and walk down stairs quickly to get to the kitchen for some mad snacking.  Just as I was about to devour the bag of chips, my house phone went off. 

       “Crap!” I mumbled as I raced to answer the phone before it woke up my parents. “Hello?”

     “Thank God you're okay.” screamed Jaime “I heard what happened! Why didn’t you tell me? What’s the point of having your back when you don’t let me?”

       “Jaime I’m sorry, okay? I just don’t need to feel like I’m a damsel in distress I can handle my own.”

        “Yeah sure…” he spoke with sarcasm laced in his voice

        After a moment of silence, I said “Hey, I gave Andy a shiner and Jeff a bloody nose.”

       “Wait what?”

       “Yeah I fought back hard.  I got tired of their shit.”

       “Woah, so are they going to bother you again?”

       “I don’t know, Kale told me he’ll take care of it.  I hope they’ll stop” I responded as I walked to my room and sat at my desk.

        “If they bother you again . . . I'm not holding back! Their asses are mine!”

       “Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled as I looked through my backpack for my notebook.  Panic rose in me as I continued to search for my safety.

       “Jaime . . .” I spoke with worry in my voice.

       “What is it?”

      “My notebook, it’s gone!”

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