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It had been a month since i'd let my pack back into the school. I wasn't taking chances. I wanted it to look like my pack had fled. I couldn't deal with the lovey dovey rubbish i'd get from the girls if they found mates. I'd already found my mate, while i was near my Father's home. Alpha's can feel there mate, as they are selective mates. My pack, had to find there's. My mate rejected me, when i was fatter, and a lot younger. I'm 19 now, and my mate found me at 15. His name, Stephan, rejected me and i wish to never see him again. I would never want to let my pack mates get hurt like he did to me. He had rejected me because I was fat, unhealthy, and untrainable. At some point in that month, we ran back to the big house, or Fathers house, and my pack got disallowed on this mission. It was too risky having so many unprotected females on such a dangerous mission. Instead, to my surprise, I was kicked out my pack for not leaving sooner, and putting the females of the pack in danger. My last words to my family were i hate you all. Not one of them stood up for me, not even my mother. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                   One Year Later

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   I was running in the forest, my bright white wolf didn't help me camouflage. I sighed, but my ears pricked up, sensing movement. My head snapped round, alert. I heard a wolf howl. A werewolf pack. There was no where to run. I had to fight. I saw many eyes in the ferns, crawling in, getting closer. No where to run, i sat, waiting for death. These were male werewolves. One lunged, but i was ready. I dodged, moving quickly from my sitting position, into one more threatening. I growled at the wolf, and crouched low. He lunged again, and i ran full pelt into his chest, making him fall, making him easy to pin. The other wolves whined, but I left my paws there, not wanting to hurt the wolf. Another stepped forward, but less aggressively. It was more a welcome. I snorted, running away to shift. I placed on my clothes, and walked back, and saw the males did as well. I looked up from the ground, to see their eyes bulging. 

"You are a good fighter" The Alpha male said. His hair was blond, with brown steaks in. His eyes were a beautiful coloured blue.He was around the same age as me. " We have never seen a female fight like that before"

"I learnt like any female learnt. To be a agent for the males"

"What are you talking about? I've never heard of anything so strange. Females are treated equally in our eyes" Another boy said. His eyes were brown, matching his skin tone and hair.

"Don't your family send out the females to observe?" I said confused.

"No. Of course not. What family are you from sweetie?" Yet another said. His hair was dirty brown, and his green eyes reminded me of my brothers. 

"Don't call her sweetie! Stop flirting Ryan" The second one shouted back. I giggled, and their attention was back to me.

" I'm from the Wolfe pack" i said back to the boy. The boys all started bickering, some saying to leave me there, some saying i could be useful. After a moment they stopped.

"Why are you not with your pack? we know how your pack acts. Your males are lazy, sexist pigs"

"I was kicked out, for ordering my pack to go into a dangerous situation" i said quietly.

"Great! See? She can join! See?" Ryan pointed, looking between me and his Alpha.

"Welcome to the pack, um?" The Alpha said, indicating for my name.

"Oh! My name is Calla" i said happily. I was part of a pack, something i thought i'd never get to do again. After a whole year of being rogue, being chased away, i finally had a pack. "Where are your females?" I asked, observing that no females were in the gathering. 

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