9/28/16 Unknown

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It's been six days since I took Lynn from Vess. Lynn and I are currently sitting in my room on my bed watching Shadowhunters. She was sitting between my legs leaning her back on my chest. I was sitting behind her (obviously) playing with her hair and giving her occasional neck kisses. Sometimes she'd give out a moan. Other times she'd just gasp. I went to give her another but she had turned her head making me kiss her lips instead which I really didn't mind. We kissed passionately for about five minutes before she turned around facing me and sitting on my lap. It's 6 in the morning and I have to take her to school in about a half an hour. I got my schedule changed so I could have classes with her. Only thing that sucks is the fact that I have to stay at school longer than I actually want to.

I nibbled softly on her bottom lip. "You know we have to leave in 30 minutes? We take a lot longer than that." I said to her. 

"I'd let you go until the sun comes up a millennium from next week." She said seductively. 

"I'm sure you would." I said, biting my lip. She kissed me again. It heated up pretty quickly. 

"Just a quickie?" She asked. Her eyes have a pleading look of lust and want. I sunk my fangs into her neck where I had marked her before. 

"After school I'll give you way more than just a quickie." I whispered into her ear. My lips were so close to her ear to the point where they barely grazed her. I could sense the chills running down her spine. All of a sudden a pair of black wings flap in the air. "Wings huh?"

"What?" She asked.

"You have wings."

"I don't have wings."

"Yes you do. I'm looking at them." Her wings started to move. She got off of the bed and walked to the mirror. When she saw the wings she jumped. She would've landed but the wings kept her up. She lowered herself down and made an attempt to put the wings down. It was a struggle but she managed to get the wings down just when it was time to leave for school. 

During the wait till lunch it felt like an eternity. The only good thing about it was that I made it so we could have all our classes together. 

Unfortunately, the teacher wouldn't put us together. Vess was in the class with us. She sat right behind Lynn and right in front of me. I watched her tapping her pencil on her desk. Tap tap tap. The sound was annoying but I wasn't going to bother her because of it. Instead I just stared. Tap tap tap. The sound was so annoying. Tap tap tap. I was getting annoyed. The sound made my blood boil. Just then the pen started to boil in Vess' hand. When it touched her hand there was a loud scream heard throughout the school. She shot up shaking her hand vigorously. 

After letting the melted pen cool she turned and glared at Lynn. "You did this!" She yelled. 

"N-no. I didn't. I promise." Lynn stammered. 

"Yes it was! You were mad that I left you for someone else!" This part got to both of us. 

"Actually," I started. I stood up out of my chair. "it was Lynn who left you. I kicked your ass for putting your grubby paws on her and  made her mine. You didn't do shit but get your ass kicked." She glared at me. Her eyes turned dark red. 

"Are you challenging me?" She asked. 

"If the shoe fits." I replied. With that she lunged at me. I darted out of the way, causing her to crash into the chair. I could feel my other side about to take over. "Can I do it?" My other side growled. "Let's do this." I said. I made my transformation go in slow motion so I could fight what I could without. Her fist went for my jaw, I leaned back and dodged it. Evolution stage 2. I'm almost halfway done evolving. I swing at her making contact with her nose. She flashed her fangs at me with her blood red eyes. She charged at me. I slowed down time so I had enough time to dodge her. I jumped over her, landing on a desk. I resumed time and Vess tumbled to the ground again. She gave me an evil glare. I gave her a cheshire grin. I looked towards Lynn who was sitting on a desk in the back. I winked at her and blew her a kiss causing her to smile and blush. I was so distracted that I didn't see Vess jump on me. 

"Finally, I've got you down. You will pay for all that you've done to me." She snarled. I was almost scared for a second until I teleported to a desk.

"No, it is you that will pay." I said. I was in full transformation now. Vess looked at me, trying to hide her fear. She stood up of of the floor and just stared. She'd been standing for a minute now. She darted towards Lynn. I went after her until she grabbed Lynn. 

"One more step and she's dead." 

I froze. I looked at Lynn, I figured she might be scared but she wasn't. She was livid. Her eyes went black, her fangs flashed, and her big, beautiful black wings came out, causing Vess to fly back towards the wall. Lynn ran to me and gave me a tight hug. I kissed her forehead and moved her to the side. She looked at me with sad eyes which were lavender now instead of black or their original color. I paused time to where we were the only ones able to move. "What's wrong?" I asked her. 

"I want to fight with you." She whimpered softly. I would've protested but her sad face was just so cute.

"Fine, okay, but I don't want you getting hurt. Alright?" Her face glowed and was like I had made her the happiest girl to walk the Earth. That face made her even cuter. I kissed her lips and resumed time. Instantly she got pissed as if the time pause never happened. Vess ran at us like a dog, Lynn lifted her foot and kicked her in the face. She fell to the ground and I watched Lynn get to work. When Lynn stood back up she was covered in blood. She kissed me hard on the lips. "Good fight." She sighed happily, rubbing my shoulder on the way out the door. There was blood on her face and hands so I had gotten blood on me. Vess started to get up but I grabbed her by the collar and punched her hard in the jaw knocking her out. Everyone looked at me in horror and shock as I walked out the door to meet my girlfriend. 

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