*chapter 39*

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the next morning.

you: (walking down the stairs) hey!

aunt: hey sweety, ive missed you (hugs you)

you: me to... so why did you come back?

aunt: well, im actually leaving in 2 days..... to newyork.. (fills a cup of coffee and drinks it)

you: oh..... thats (sighs, looks down) great.....

aunt: (lifts up your chin) whats wrong?

you: nothing, im fine

aunt: i no theres something wrong, please just tell me

you: well..... ive really missed you, but your leaving again..

aunt: well, your out of school now so why dont you come with me?

you: really?! but wait i cant...

aunt: why?

you: well you no my boyfriend jacob?

aunt: yeah...

you: his dad kinda went to jail, he'll be all alone and no where to live...

aunt: no where to live?

you: oh, yeah when his dad got locked up his house got auctioned off and he kinda came to live with me..... (playing with hair nervously)

aunt: why didnt you tell me?

you: cuz... i forgot?

(jacob comes down the stairs)

aunt: (looks at him) goodmorning.

jacob: oh hey, goodmorning... am i interupting anything?

aunt: umm no... we actually just finished talking

jacob: oh ok..... (sits down in the living room watchin t.v.)

you: well?

aunt: well what?

you: what do i do?

aunt: i'll think of something... but for now im gonna go to the store and get new clothes

you: ok, ill see you later then

aunt: ok bye, bye jacob

jacob: bye

your aunt leaves

you: hey babe (goes to sit next to him)

jacob: hey, so what do you wanna do today?

you: i dont no...... 

jacob:i think theres a fair in town today... wanna go to that?

you: yeah! but not during the day... more in the evening

jacob: ok, well ima take a shower and we can do something else untill then

he takes a shower gets dressed and you do the same thing.

(i'll post what your wearing in the comment section) 

jacob: (comes in) are you ready?

you: hold on! (jumping around trying to pull pants on)

jacob: (laughing really hard) what are you doing!?

you: trying to put my pants on

jacob: why dont you just get a bigger size?

you: cuz then teyll be baggy, n i dont ilke that. (sucking everything in and pulls them on) finally! woooww!

jacob: i dont get how girls can do that (shaking his head and walks out of the room)

you: well, im ready (looks at your self in the mirror) yeah buddy ( doing a swag walk out the door)

jacob: (staring at you) your finally done! its a miricale

you: i no write... i would of bin finished earlier but those damn pants.....

bolth go out of the house

you: well were to?

jacob: umm.... (sees khalil and paige) 

announcement: yes its khalil the singer and paige hurd..... back to the story.

you: oh look! theres khalil, and his sister..

jacob: oh.. i didnt see them (thinking: damnit -_-)

you: hey paige, hey khalil

khalil: hey (hugs you, does that hand thing with jacob)

paige: you gies live at this house? (points at it)

you: yeah.. were do you gies live at?

khalil: oh just down the street.... (points at jacobs old house)

jacob: oh nice... so you wanna go babe?

you: oh, yeah

khalil: wait, you two go out?

jacob: yeah.... why?

khalil: oh nothing.. i just didnt no that

paige: so umm.. what are you gies doing today?

you: nothing really, were just gonna go around town and later to the fair

paige: theres a fair!?

you: yeah! ive bin to it once before and its really cool, you two should come... i mean if you want

khalil: (looks at paige) yeah im down..

paige: me to.. 

jacob: great.. well whoes gonna drive?

you: well i guess i will, were standing in front of my car anyways...

jacob: ok 

and thats the end of this chapter! 

i wonder what will happen when they all go out together????? 



fan me


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