*chapter 10*

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(i got some ideas so i think im gonna continue the story, if you want to be in the story just message me your name n wich mb member you want )

jacob: i got the park hopper so were do you wanna go first?

you: california adventures... then disneyland 

jacob: k well

(walking around)

?: (announcing that she was looking for boys with talent)

you: babe, you should go

jacob: why? i dont really have talent...

you: yes you do! ive seen you dance, n heard you singing in the shower

jacob: (blushes) not even haha

you: come on!! 

?: do you have talent?

jacob: umm yeah 

?: well my name is malissa

jacob: nice to meet you my name is jacob

malissa: well im sarting a new boy group, would you be interested?

jacob: yeah

malissa: cool well were having auditions so come by

jacob:sounds great ill be there 

(walking away)

you: i hope they pick you

jacob: me to, but i wanna see who they pick first cuz i dont want problems with anyone in the group

you: yeah, oh well lets get on rides!

(you bolth got on every single ride in california adventures, and disneyland)

jacob: so did you have a good day today

you: yes! thank you (kisses him)

jacob: ive bin wanting one of those all day

you: haha i no you have 

(on  the way home)

a car runs a red light and all of a sudden you see white

?:mam, mam are you ok?

you: hmm?

?: you just got in a car accident, your at the hospital

you: weres jacob!? 

doctor: the boy you were with, is missing, we think he might have got thrown out of the car when you were hit 

you: am i really hurt?

doctor: no, your just cut up from some of the glass

you: ok thankyou. When can i leave?

doctor: as soon as i finish this paper work

you: ok (your really worried about jacob!!)

10 minutes later

doctor: ok your all set to leave

you: (get up run out of the hospital and get a cab)

cab guy: were would you like to go?

you: (tell him the addres were you crashed) 

(you get there)

theres caution tape and you run under it 

cop: excuse me please stay on the other side of the caution tape

you: im the one who got hit! i need to find my boy friend!!

cop: oh i think you need to be seen by a doctor first

you: thats were i came from, im fine i just need to find him

cop: well we have people looking for him, you can help to

you: ok

(you gies crashed next to a forest kind of thing)


will you find him?? what do you think happened to him.............

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