Darkness to Light; Home.

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It was now reaching about half one in the morning, I was tired. It was my first day here, I had been attacked by some sexiest abusive guy and then I had to go a party. My feet were hurting, wearing these heels all evening, hardly get a chance to sit down. Kaden noticed me, smiling softly at the people he was talking too he walked over to me. “Are you okay Isa?” He said to me, touching my shoulders in an affectionate guesture. I smiled at him.

“Im okay, just abit tired and achey.”  I said to him. It was true, my body was aching and I don’t know why. Once I had told Kaden this, worry came into his eyes and I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “Im honestly okay, just achey and tired.” I said to him again, with an easy smile- Trying so hard sooth his worries. He smiled then.

“Have you enjoyed the evening?” He asked me. I nodded.

“This place is beautiful.” I whispered to him, as I looked around to see the people. It hadnt got less with people nor more. They were just different, some came later, some left obviously having early mornings and such. It was a comminity. It was wonderful. He smiled proudly.

“It is, but so is its Queen.” The dark Prince said, staring at me with those eyes that could read into my soul. I blushed, not being able to help it; I looked away again from him back to the people. I was trying to change the subject.

“Kaden, Im not being rude or anything... but what times do these finish?” I asked him, cringing at the way it came out. It sounded rude and ungrateful when I was being neither. He chuckled softly.

“Theres one more thing we have to do then it is over, with a few good byes.” The Darke Prince said to me. I smiled at this. One more thing.

“What do we have to do?” I asked him, curiousity clear in my voice. He then held out his hand, cleared his voice making the room go quiet and all eyes on me.

“My Light Queen, would you do the honour of dancing with me?” Kaden said, everyones eyes were on us. Waiting for my reply.

“Of coure…” I paused I was not ready to call him, my darke prince. “Darke Prince, I would be honoured.” He noticed the small pause but didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to the hurt was in his eyes. I tried to stop the guilt from showing on my face. I cant be guilty for not calling him mine. He isnt.

We walked into the middle of the hall, my hand gently resting in his. He stood infront of me, our hands held high in the middle for the crowd to see. He took a slow bow towards me, I knew I had to curtesy so I did. It probably wasn’t as graceful as it could be but Ill work on that. The Darke Prince, then slowly pulled our bodies close, as he placed his hand on my lip. My hand resting on his shoulder. The soft music started to play, hitting our eyes, telling us it was time to start moving. I had to let him lead as I had no idea what to do. My Uncles had taught me how to dance certain dances as it was just incase I got the crown back. The Darke Prince led us around the dance floor. Our bodies occasionally brushing, as we danced. He then briefly let me roll out, then under his arm, then I was back in his arms. As we moved, I couldn’t help but look around the rooms, their eyes were smiling as they saw their Lost Queen and their loyal Prince dancing together, together again. How in their minds, it should be. I dragged my eyes away from them and my eyes met his. They were so beautiful, like him. Like this place. I was falling for this place, for him- When I couldn’t. He knew I was trying to pull away from this moment, but he pulled our bodies closer so everything that could touched.

Then as the music started to die, he spun me out again and as I came back into my eyes he dipped my backwards, not taking his eyes away from me. Appaulse spread around the room. He slowly brought me back up, not letting go of my hand. We both took it as a sign to bow from him and a curtesy from me. I noticed Vidan and Colan were smiling, Colan gave me a wink. My eyes fell on Ciaran he was watching me, not with any emotion but he stared then he sighed, shaking his head at me.

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