Darkness to Light: Dark Prince

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My earliest memory was my uncles taking me to safety. They told me they'd keep me safe and that no one will harm me; especailly the darkness. And they'd kept their promise. And I'd keep mine never to fall in love. It's a stupid promise right because you dont know what is gonna happen in the future... True. But you see Im not your average girl no I have the pwoer of light. Anything to do with light and I have a nasty temper so I always have to keep my powers in check.  

"Hey Isaaaa" Carla my latino best friend said to me. 

"Hey Carls" she grinned and hugged me.  

"Did you hear?" She asked me. 

"Hear what?"  

"Theres a new guy" she said with a grin as she fanned herself with her hand. 

"So..." I asked as we made our way to homeroom. She linked our arms together and laughed. 

"You won't be saying that when you see him; he is to die for!" I rolled my eyes at that. I saw guys eyeing us up. I just ignored them. Carla winked at a few and smiled and that, she was a giantic flirt but when she had a boyfriend she never cheated, she didnt believe in it. 

Unlike me who has never had a boyfriend unless you count in infant when I got married to a little ginger boy who kissed me on the check then I burst into tears because I had been given coodies. So no I dont think that counts... I mean there have been guys asking me out but none of them felt right. In fact I felt like I was cheating in someone and Im not sure why. 

"Maybe he'll be the one to take your V" she said as we sat down in our seats. I cringed. I was still a virgin unlike Carla who has slept with about 4 guys she wasnt a slut just a flirt. 

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' "Dont think so"  

"If not him there is another guy but Ive got my eye on him" she said with a wink. I rolled my eyes she always had her eye on someone. Mr Peterson walked in then with three students. The first was a guy with dirty blonde hair and was well built he was searching the faces when he looked at me and he grinned, my eyebrows furrowed and his grin got bigger he had one dimple he was cute but not my type. By the look on Carla's face it him who she had her eye on. The next was a girl with short cut hair and she was musclar as well which isnt something you see everyday, you could see the beginning of a tattoo on her neck, I couldnt tell what it was.  

The next was a dark haired boy who gorgeous in a dark way, he met my eyes and I saw them the hazel eyes I got warned about.  

The dark prince.  

"Hello guys I hope you had a good weekend" they were a few yes's. "That's good well as you can see we have 3 new students is there anyone who will be willing to show them around?" there were many hands up some guys some girls. I saw the girl lean to sir and whisper he nodded then his eyes landed on me. 

"Ahh Ms McCornelle you'll be showing them around?" he made it sound like a question but I knew that there was no choice. Sighing I nodded my head.  

He smiled "Good" with that the bell went and Carla walked pasted me and whispered "Lucy bitch"  

I shrugged with another sigh and walked over to sir "Here you go a note to explain why you might be late" I took it from him with a sigh, I like sighing and walked out the room not seeing if the darks would follow.  

I walked off alittle then turned on them "What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed at him.  

He looked taken back then smiled "You know about me? That will make this alot easier." He said 

"Ohh no! I dont think so. My uncles have told me all about you; I shouldnt even be talking to you." I noticed that the hall ways were empty. Thank god. 

The royal guards looked surprised then. "And why shouldnt you be talking to me?" He asked me. 

"Why?! Why! How could you ask that! We're enemies!" I said to them. His eyebrows rose. 

"Who told you that?" he asked me 

"My Uncles! They told everything about you and your decisions!" He murdred his brother in law; The crazy guy!  

"YOU think we are enemies?" He asked me. 

"Of course! We are." 

"Hmmm" He said then looked at me in the eye "We are not enemies far from actually you see I think your uncles have led you the wrong way"  

"Duh" Said blondie. I glared at him. 

"Shut up blondie" he laughed at me. 

"Blondie!" he said through his laughter. I just waited for him to stop, it really wasnt funny; actually it wasnt funny at all. Once he stopped he looked at me and straightened his stance "Im sorry m'Lady I meant no direspect" M'lady? Why did he call me that? 

"Dont call me that" I said to him. He nodded. 

"Im sorry" I sighed.  

"Stop it. Okay I cant call you blondie so what's your name?" I asked him, he smiled showing his dimple.  

"The names Colan" I smiled at him for some reason. 

"Isa" I replied to him, he nodded. I turned to the women and wiated for her name she smiled at me. 

"Vidan" I nodded it was a nice name and from the Others World. Then I turned to the prince and arched and eyebrow. 

"What is your name?"I asked him. 

"Kaden Darke" i couldnt help the little giggle. Darke; Suits him as he is the dark prince. 

"Please let me explain everything" he said to me. I shook my head. 

"I dont that's a good idea, and I also can't be the one to show you around" with that I walked off. 

"Wait!" Vidan's voice called out; I sighed and turned to see them standing looking at me. "At least take us to our first lesson" she said, I looked at her and saw eagerness in her eyes, I knew that she wanted to be here. Regretfully I nodded and took them to their first lesson. None of us spoke just walked and I dropped them off.  

"Who's going to show us around?" Colan asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Dont know dont care. Im sure they'll be some girls offering you Colan" I said to him. He grinned at the thought, and they walked in. Kaden caught my wrist before I could walk in. Colan and Vidan had already walked in he was watching me. 

"Please let me explian; I'll answer any question you have" as I looked into his hazel eyes I couldnt help but feel like I was falling and I leant into him. I couldnt help but forget everything part from us. Isuddenly realised who this was and yanked my gaze away from him. 

"What the hell did you just do?" I hissed at him.  

"Nothing" he said, I glared. 

"Liar" I hissed then pulled my wrist out his hold. "Dont do it again" and I walked off.


Darkness to Light! I hope you like it... may be boring as its beginning and only a tryer. :D

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