Do I Still Have A Chance With My Ex - How To Get A Second Chance

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If you have just split up with your ex but you are still in love with him/her, then it is only natural that you want to get back together with him/her as soon as possible. In fact, you are probably wondering about your chances of getting back together with your ex.

Well, whether you can get back together with your ex depends on several factors. However, do not despair if you think you have a very low chance. It is possible to get an ex back even if the situation seems impossible and the odds are against you. You can always find couples who get back together even in the most impossible situations. With that said, let's look at the various factors that will affect your chances of getting back together with your ex.

1)The first thing that affect your chances is the cause of the break up. For example, if the break up is due to you cheating on him/her, then naturally, you will have a lower chance to win back your ex.

2)The second thing that affect your chances is the length of your relationship. Generally, the longer both of you have been together, the easier it is for you to win back your ex. This is because the love between the both of you will be much stronger.

What can you do to get your ex back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply watch this video:

3)Third, you need to ask yourself if you have made the most common mistakes when you are trying to get him/her back. Hopefully you have not done those things. For example, calling an ex over and over again, begging your ex etc. You do not want to show the desperate side of you in front of your ex.

4)Fourth, the personality of your ex is also something that you should consider. For example, if you have cheated and your ex has a very strong personality and will never get back together with someone who has cheated, then your chances of winning back an ex is probably quite low even though it may not be entirely impossible.

Love isn't that simple that it just goes away. In fact, hate goes away before love does! Yup, and that means that there is a very high chance that your ex still has a special place for you in his/her heart.

But if you really need proof, use these tips to find out if your ex still loves you....

o He/she gets happy when they hear your voice or smiles when they see you. What better way to know how someone feels about you, then to watch them light up when you come around? Obviously if your ex still lights up when they see you, then he/she still has a special place for you in their heart!

o He/she dreams about you - Your ex calls you and tells you that they have had a dream about you. Even if it was a bad dream, the only reason your ex was having dreams about you, was because they have been constantly thinking about you. Dreams come from the subconscious mind which keeps all of our thoughts, and in turn if your ex is still having dreams about you, then obviously they are NOT over you!

o He/she has tried to change - People do not easily change for others, let alone themselves! If your ex is trying to change for you, take this as a serious sign that he/she still loves you deeply and is trying to do their best for you!

o They don't make excuses - Whenever you talk, they never bring up any excuses anymore for their behavior, but rather admit they were wrong, and try to move forward. This is a sign that they do recognize where they went wrong, but also a sign that they are willing to improve and stop doing the bad things they used to do, so that they can win you back. It's also a sign that your ex is serious about you still.

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