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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO. Characters belong to Rick Riordan

Authors Note: Sorry for not updating a lot, don't have tons of time. Anyways... I hope you guys and gals enjoy!

Jonathon's POV

Hey reader people. My name is Jonathon, Jon, Schaffer. I am the school jock and besides this one person, I am the  best and most popular. Now this one person goes by the name of Percy Jackson. He has black hair, green eyes, a tan, muscles, so I can see were everybody thinks he is the best. He also has a smoking hot girlfriend named Annabeth Chase. I gave up on trying to break them up a few weeks ago anyways, so yeah. But seriously! I have blonde hair, blue eyes, a tan, muscles, and I am the captain of the football team. So far this year Percy has been better than me at everything, but for gym class today I was pretty sure I had him cornered.

After the first four class periods, it was time for gym class. I changed quickly and headed to the gym. Our coach, Mrs. Trusa was talking with a bunch of new kids. Probably explaining to them how great I am. The rest of the class filed in within the next five minutes.

"Good morning kids," Mrs. Trusa began. "Today, and for the next three weeks, a bunch of kids will be showing us some self-defense and weaponry such as wrestling, sword fighting, and archery. The guests will introduce themselves, and we will begin."

"Sup punks. I'm Clarisse, I'll be teaching you wrestling," said a buff girl with stringy brown hair and pig eyes.

"Yo peeps. I'm Will, I'll be teaching archery," said a blonde kid with blue eyes that looked like the sun.

"Hey guys. I'm Malcolm, I'll be teaching you sword fighting," said a kid with blonde hair and grey eyes. The tree of them began to have a small huddle. They clearly did not realize it when Annabeth and Percy snuck up behind them. Percy whispered something and the kids dispersed all with wild grins. They began to mingle. I caught parts of their conversation. I swear the Malcolm kid said that he would just let Percy and Annabeth teach the sword fighting class. Finally, Mrs. Trusa spoke up.

"I don't mean to ruin your reunion, but we have classes to teach," she said. The kids nodded. And so we began. We started with wrestling. Clarisse began by choosing a kid from the crowd. It was Danny, one of my buddies from the football team. She showed us a few moves before demolishing Danny in a match. Next, Will showed us how to shoot an arrow. He hit the bulls eye every time with ease. Finally, there was sword fighting. Malcolm asked for a volunteer. I raised my hand, and was immediately chosen. Malcolm showed a few maneuvers with me before Mrs. Trusa split us into groups for the different sections.

I was with Danny and a few other friends, on top of Percy and Annabeth. Annabeth was the only girl in a boys group. We started with wrestling.

"Okay punks, everybody find a partner except Percy and Annabeth. You will have a match to determine you skill before I teach you any more," Clarisse said unenthusiastically. I wondered why Percy and Annabeth didn't have to fight. I let it go, though and headed to Danny. The match lasted for a few minutes until I finally won. Clarisse nodded her approval before turning to talk with Percy. When everybody was done, Clarisse showed us a few more moves before we moved on to archery with Will.

Percy and Annabeth did archery this time, and Annabeth rocked. Percy stunk though. I thought I would beat him in something until I found out that I was no better than he. We stayed there for a few more minutes before moving onto sword fighting. I would demolish Percy here.

"Yo little sis," Malcolm said to Annabeth. No wonder he looked so similar to Annabeth. Malcolm asked for two volunteers. Both Percy and I raised our hands. Malcolm smirked and called us up. "You two will be sparring until I say stop, or one of you wins. Jonathon, good luck. And Percy, go easy on him," Malcolm snickered.

I looked at Percy who was leaning against his wooden sword nonchalantly. I have had a year of training. You can't beat me. I thought. Then, I ran to attack Percy. I thought I had him for a minute, before he easily deflected my blow. I attacked and Percy easily blocked every swing.

"Come on now, Percy. Quit toying with him and spar with me," I heard Annabeth say. Toy with me? I looked up at Percy. He hadn't broken a sweat. Percy left me and headed to Annabeth.

"This'll be good," I heard Malcolm say as he dragged over Clarisse and Will. They looked confused at first, then saw Percy and Anabeth and smiled. I watched as the two readied to fight. It took a few minutes, until Percy finally charged. The entire class stopped to watch them whirl around each other. Finally, the fight ended with Annabeth's sword pointed at Percy.

"Never gets old," Clarisse said.

"So Wise Girl," Percy began. "It seems like it's twenty-seven for you and twenty-five for me?" Annabeth smiled and nodded. The two of them sparred for the rest of class, switching around who won each time. Finally, the lesson was over and I headed home. I saw Annabeth and Percy talking to Clarisse, Will, and Malcolm. They were so at peace. I can only wish that I will someday have a life like that.

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