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Disclaimer: Don't own PJO. Belongs to Rick Riordan.

Author's Note: Hiya. Thanks for reading peeps. Please R&R and give me ideas! Thanks and ENJOY!

Jenna's POV

Ah. College was like a breath of fresh air. Away from my parents, my brothers, and the horses on my families farm. My name is Jenna Ramuno and I am a freshman in college at San-Francisco College. I'm a good student and I love to learn. I prefer my personal space though, so I'm not to excited about a roommate.

Anyways, today was move-in day. My boyfriend, Mike was helping me to move my things upstairs. I only brought a few things, because I like to travel light. As we walked, I was curious to see who I would be rooming with. Hopefully she didn't throw crazy parties, or was nosey. Finally, we made it to the dorm. I couldn't hear anything inside, so I was assuming she hadn't gotten here yet. Sure enough, when I got into the room, there was nothing there. Sweet! I get to choose my side of the room first! I thought. I finished setting up my room (the window side) and kissed my boyfriend good-bye. I sat on my bed and read one of my favorite books, Harry Potter.

Only a few minutes later, I heard shuffling outside the door. I looked up from my book to see if it was my roomie. After a few seconds, the door clicked. A beautiful girl walked in. She had long, blonde, curly hair that was in a pony tail that cascaded down her back. She had unsettling grey, stormy eyes that studied me warily. She was tall, tan, and athletic. She was literally perfect.

"Hi. I'm Annabeth Chase. You must be my roommate," Annabeth introduced holding out her hand.

"Jenna Ramuno," I responded. She nodded and began to unpack. She had a strange assortment of things, but I didn't bother to ask. She only had one box, so I assumed that someone was helping her to get the rest. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Annabeth opened it and revealed a handsome boy.

He had black, shaggy, windswept hair. His eyes were like a green hurricane. He had the same athletic body and tan as Annabeth. Perfect. I thought. The boy must have seen me gaping because he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. I shook off the daze.

"Hi," I managed. "I'm Jenna Ramuno."

"Percy Jackson," he responded shaking my outstretched hand. "Annie... beth do you want be to leave these and I'll see you tonight or," he didn't finish.

Annabeth chuckled. "See you tonight Seaweed Brain." I didn't register the nickname until after he had left.

"So, Annabeth," I tried. "Is he like you boyfriend?" I asked uncomfortably. She laughed and I saw the brokenness behind her eyes go away for a moment before returning again. She nodded her head as she unpacked the rest of her boxes. I went back to reading my book.

"Hey, is that Harry Potter?" Annabeth asked about a half-hour later. I nodded still consumed in my book that I was rereading for the sixth time. "I love those books!" Annabeth exclaimed. I looked up. "Remember when..." and soon he were in a full fledged conversation about our favorite and least favorite books. Maybe my roommate wouldn't be so bad after all.

Annabeth eventually had to leave on her date with Percy and I left to eat with one of my old friends who also went to San-Francisco College. Because of classes the next day, I headed home a little early to find Annabeth already there. I was surprised. I don't think I have ever met someone come home from a date so early. I shrugged and got ready for bed. When I left the bathroom, I saw Annabeth asleep on her bed with an open book on Greek architecture open in front of her. I moved her book then headed to bed myself, ready for class in the morning.

I woke up at two o'clock in the morning to a blood curdling scream. I gave a little shriek myself. I looked over at Annabeth. She was sitting up straight even though she was still asleep screaming, crying, and violently shaking. Oh crud I thought. I headed to Annabeth and tried to wake her up. I put a hand on her shoulder and she flailed out punching me in the gut, making me double over. I tried to find something to help, until I found her phone. I pushed the home button.

"Hi there," the voice monitor began. "This is Annabeth Chase's phone. She would prefer if you put it down." I was about to until the monitor continued. Annabeth was still a mess. "On one condition may you handle Annabeth's phone. If she is screaming in her sleep. Press dial six." I don't think I have ever hit a button so fast in my life. Surprisingly, the phone began to ring. After about two rings, the line picked up.

"Hello, Annabeth," the voice said. It was clearly male.

"It's not Annabeth," I quickly said. "It's her roommate Jenna. She is screaming and crying and I don't know what to do. Her phone said to call you."

I heard the male curse. "Okay, I'll be right there," he said before the line went dead. Only a minute or two later there was a knock on the dorm door. I opened it and saw Percy with a security guard behind him. I quickly let in Percy. I tried to keep out the guard, but she pushed past me.

"What on earth is going on here?!" she shrieked. "You," she pointed at Percy. "You should not be here. Get out and let me handle the girl. I highly doubt you could get this under control." Percy looked like he was about to laugh, but he had a deep scowl on his face that was quite intimidating.

"Would you shut the Hades up!" Percy growled. "You are making it worse. I am perfectly capable of handling her, unlike you. I bet Jenna here tried to handle it and Annabeth punched you or something." I nodded. "So, I highly doubt that you could help her right now. So get out of my face and let me help my girlfriend."

Percy headed to Annabeth's bed completely sure of his movements. He sat down behind her and I got a little worried until he began to gently talk to Annabeth, not caring if we heard him.

"Annabeth. Calm down. We made it out, remember? We are safe now. Shhh. Calm down Wise girl. Ignore the pain Annabeth. Remember our quest to find Grover. He was dressed in a wedding dress and was gonna get married to Polythemis. Remember? And when I was turned into a guinea pig? How about when Thalia turned back from a tree? Or when you came for me at Camp Jupiter?" I heard Annabeth begin to calm down.

"Percy, you- you died and Bob never came and I was without you and I was blind and-" Annabeth stuttered.

"I know Wise Girl," Percy cut her off. "I know. But it's all over now right?" She nodded and lay down on her bed with Percy.

"Oh no you don't," the guard began.

"Don't you dare," Percy growled. The guard gulped and I smiled. The two were cute together. I couldn't wait to find out more about me roommate.

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