Why do you hate me?

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*Scott's POV*

Another regular Monday. Wake up. Go to school. Possibly don't die. Go home.

That third thing is what I am worried about every single day. I go to normal high school, with normal students, but they don't look at me the same way I look at them. I am an outsider. Isolated from other people.

Because I'm gay.

But the bullies always got a pick on me and that is not the thing that I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of actuall dying. There is that boy called Mitch.

He and his friends are beating the hell out of me every single day. In the school, on the street, and most of the time, in front of my own house. The scariest part is that he is my neighbour.

I don't know what is his problem. I'm the only gay guy in the entire city who gets bullied that bad.

He is not actually the one who is beating me up. He is the leader of the group. He tells them what to do and they do it, and I know exactly why they never say "no" to him.

Mitch's parents died in a car accident 10 years ago. He lives with his uncle here, since then. His family has a lot of money, and almost all of it goes to him and his uncle.

He is extremely popular, but not because a lot of people likes him.

Because he pays them to be his friends.

He is like the golden boy of the school as well. He donated a lot of money for new windows, computers and of course, the entire new auditorium, so that the choir has a place to practice and perform. Because he is in it. In the choir. I'm too.

We are both picked to be presidents of the club, cuz, like the teacher said, we are the best of the best. But we never worked together.

We both have our groups that we work with. We have separated practices and rehearsals for shows or competitions.

This week our teacher Mr. Kaplan said that we are having a regular practice. Both of the groups. Together. In a one room. I have a bad feeling about this.

I never tried to like Mitch. He is just too selfish and rude for any kind of friend material.

"Good morning everyone!" said mr. Kaplan as me and my friend Kirstie walked in the classroom.

Kirstie is one of my only friends. I have just a couple of them.

"Oh, look! The loosers finally came to learn how to sing good." I heard a very recognisable voice in the background.

"Shut up Mitch!" Kirstie said as they both laughed.

They were actually a very good friends. Kirstie ,of course, doesn't know about the bad side of Mitch, the one I am afraid of, but she knows that we hate each other.

" It's time for me to read you who is your partner for duets you are doing next week." said Mr. Kaplan

He is is a teacher of the choir. He is my favorite teacher. And he is the father of my best friend Avi.

"This time you are going to pick one from five different songs I'm going to give you, and perform just that one" teacher continued

"Tha pairs are........ Avi and Kirstin"

Well I'm not with Kirstie. Sad.

"Kevin and Tori.......Alex and Trevis"

Great. Now only the assholes left.

"And last but not least" he said smiling like a idiot " Mitch and Scott"

It was like someone just slaped me 1000 times at once. Why would he do that?

"No, no, no, no" Mitch said as my heart started to beat a billion times faster.

"I don't want to sing with him" I shouted. And I was honest.

I was scarred of that boy.

"No complains, please!" Mr. Kaplan was angry

"But....." we both started

"No but Mr. Grassi and Mr. Hoying. If you fail this test you are both out of the glee club. And then you can forget about any good music schools in the future!"

I was about to cry.

*Mitch's POV*

There is no way I am going to sing with this......whatever he is. My voice is too good for this. I am too good for this.

I decided that was a perfect time for me to leave the class.

"You still need to do this Mr. Grassi" Mr. Kaplan said

I ignored.

Everyone knows I hate Hoying. The fact that we are neighbours doesn't change anything. He is just too....dumb.... At least that's how he looks like. And that's how he acts like.

Bonus is that my uncle hates his mum. He says that she is a whore or that she spends all her money on drugs and alcohol. He thinks that Scott is going to be the same just mutch worse because he is gay. But my uncle is homophobe. So that changes his view on everything.

After I left the classroom, I just sat in front of it to think.

What now. How am I going to sing with that dude. How am I going to even talk to him without wanting to hit him in the face.

I need to. If I fail my life is over. I signed for the best music school in the country. If I lose that opportunity I am going to die.

So I got back to class and apologized to teacher, but I was definitely not sorry.

I told Kirstie to say Scott that we will meet at my place at 7pm.

That was the only way to tell him that without actual talking.

I just hope that we will finish this fast so that I don't have to look at his face more than a couple of days in a row.

Couple of days in a row. I am going to kill myself after 5 minutes.

Later that day...

*Scott's POV*

It's almost 7pm and I'm officially freaking out. I don't want to do this!!

It's time.
"Mum! I am need to go study at my........fr...f..friends house" I shouted realizing that I just called my worst enimy my friend

"OK! Be back soon" she answered

I walked through the door, stepped outside, walked for 10 seconds and I was already in front of his door. I was not ready but I still knocked.

He opend the door looking straight at my eyes. He had that look. The hate look in his eyes.

"C'mon in" he said adding a big fake smile

I fakesmiled aswell.

We went to his room. We shared a couple of words but I couldn't resist no more.

"Why do you hate me?!" I finnaly asked.

A/N: Hey! This is my first fanfiction. Hope you'll like it. Sorry for possible bad spelling skils. I'm just too exited. :)

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