I know you don't care

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*Scott's POV*

"Oh my God Mitch...." I said very quietly. But he heard me. He looked at me with his sparkly brown eyes full os tears.

"Scott.......I......" now he couldn't stop himself from crying. I wondered what happened, but I think I already know. Why woud his own uncle do this to him.

"What happend?" I sat down next to him. Not too close, but not to far.

"I know you don't care" he quoted my own words.

"Maybe I do" Do I actually? That is almost exactly how I looked like when one of his friends almost killed me. I was in hospital for a week.

"Why would you? I was the biggest asshole in the world to you" he said in a sad voice. He closed his eyes trying to stop crying

"You still don't deserve this. Nobody does." that was exactly what I was thinking in that moment. Nothing else. Just that.

"I didn't expect him to react like this. It's just a school project." he sounded like he is having a panic attack. Should I be offended.

" So I am the problem. I'm sorry Mitch. You could've just tell me that we can't practice at your place." I tried to calm him down

"Oh God no. It's not just you. He always reacts weird when I bring people home. Specially boys." now he was even more upset. What did he mean by saying specially boys. So it's not just me.

"But, why?" I just needed to ask

"He doesn't want me to be...gay." he said that sentence like it's his last.

"Are you?" that just popped out my mouth. I shouldn't ask that a boy who's uncle is a homophobe  "You don't need to answer tha....."

"I don't know. I am to scared to even question that. " he interrupted me. More tears were falling of his face. Why is this so hard to him.

"I think your friends will help you figured that out, will they?" I thought it was a good idea to ask that. His facial expression showed me that I was wrong.

He coverd his face with his hands "My friends will never understand. They think I am perfect. I have no one to talk with"

I never saw this side of Mitch. This sad but still honest side. Now I definitely care about what he is going to say.

"You can always talk to me." Did I actually just say that? "Even if we are not friends yet"

"I am so sorry Scott. For everithing. I thought that is fun to make you feel like a trash. I thought that bulling gives us power ower people."  he sounded like he is terrified of his own words  "But it's not fun when someone is beating everything out of you. Now when I experienced that, I will never think of hurting anyone ever again."

"You can leave if you want" he said looking straight in my eyes with his sad and dark eyes already red from crying.

"You shouldn't be alone right now Mitch, I am staying with you." I know what I'm saying.

And it feels right to stay here for a while.

*Mitch's POV*

I am mess. Every single part of my body hurts. And I don't even know do I have heart anymore. It feels like it's broken.

Now when I know that my uncle hates me, my friends are going to do the same when they see me in school. It' s going to be obvious that someone beated me up.

Right now I have no real friends. Or do I?

"You don't have to stay here. " I said while starring into his blue eyes. He smiled at me. It made me blush. Why?

"I insist" Scott said putting his hand on mine. They were much warmer than mine. Probably cuz I was so cold.

He was the only person in the entire planet who was with me in this. Why he? Why Scott Hoying, my biggest hater and enemy,  stayed with me.

"So Mitch Grassi, what now?" Scott said after 15 minutes of silence

"Do you hate me less Scott Hoying?" I was just curious.

I finally stopped crying. Maybe he hates me more now.

"I never said I hated you." him saying that confused me a bit

Maybe that wasn't the right question "Well then, are you less afraid of my words"

"I am not afraid anymore" he said very confident

"Why not?" I was curious.

I was the one who made his life way harder.

" Because I trust you, and I believe in what you said earlier" he moved his hand away from mine. I grabbed it back.

"You know that if you say about this to anyone I am going to kill you" I sounded too serious

"I never wanted to" he is said adding a smile

"I'm cold" I just realised that I am wearing just jeans and T-shirt

"Don't worry princess, you don't have to go back inside" he said giving me his jacket

"You don't need to....." I couldn't finnish the sentence. He putted the jacket on my shoulder. She was already worm from Scott's body.

"Ok Hoying.....can I ask you a question?" I had something very important to ask

"Sure" now all that fear he felt when he saw me the first time disappeared

"Will you be my ultra secret friend?" It kind of feels good to say that.

I never, even in my dreams, thought that I will say that.

"What does that mean?" he knew but he still asked

"That means that we will try to be kind of friends but we will be secret. No one can know about that. Not even Kirstie. For the best." I think that we can try. Maybe.

"Deal." Scott said shortly

What did just happen??!

A/N: I hope you liked it. New part coming soon. :)

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